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Tw: mentions of suicide attempt + bloody body

While Jisung saw into the mirror for the seemingly last time, a loud banging was heard on the front door.


Minho kept banging, worries and thoughts built up in himself.

Why you may ask?

Well, even though Jisung never told anybody about his depression Minho could always see right through him.

He would always notice Jisung's empty eyes when he thought no one was watching or the dark circles under his eyes after one of his countless sleepless nights.

Minho was Jisung's neighbor and childhoodfriend. They knew each other since they were born as their parents were childhood friends as well.

And with the years Minho began to develop a big ass crush on Jisung. He watched his every move, scared that something might happen to the fragile boy, scared that someone might take him from him. And that's how he noticed Jisung's not so healthy mind state.

Minho knew that the younger's parents were at work right now, so he didn't want the boy to be alone since he didn't seem that good today.

With the knowledge that Jisung has to be at home and the lack of answer on the door or his phone he became  obviously worried.

Having enough of this he ran back home and searched for the spare key Jisung's mother left at their house in case she or anyone of the family lost theirs.

Minho opened every drawer possible in order to find it, the key had a little squirrel plushie as a keychain so that they could find it better.

As soon as he found it, he grabed the key, ran back to Jisung's house and opened the front door. Leaving it open he rushed upstairs to Jisung's room, not prepared of what he was about to find.

The dark haired boy stood in the doorframe, completely shocked and not able to move for a few seconds.

He wanted to scream but couldn't. He wanted to look away but he couldn't.

The fluffy white carpet was wet with Jisung's red blood, his whole arm was covered with it and it still kept pouring out of the open wound.

Reacting as soon as he could, Minho took off his belt and tightened it around Jisung's arm so that the blood would stop flowing as much. His shirt also found it's way onto Jisung's arm where he pressed it against the bloody wound.

With his free hand the scared boy dialed the number of the ambulance.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"My friend tried to commit suicide and his arm is bleeding uncontrollably. I am at Levanter Street 325 in the 9th district, the door is left open. please hurry!!"

"An ambulance is on it's way"

Even though he may seemed calm, internally he was panicking. Just imagining a life without Jisung was pain.

The tears streamed down his face as he put even more pressure onto the arm of the nearly dead body in hope that it would help.

'Why did you do this? What did I do wrong?'

Thoughts kept running faster than his tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Please stay with me Jisung, please don't leave me. I still need you!"

Minho was crying uncontrollably but never failed to put pressure onto the younger boys arm.

Right at this moment the ambulance was being heard.
In matter of seconds some first-aid attendants were running inside of the house.

"I AM UPSTAIRS", Minho screamed.

The first-aid attendants came rushing to them, checking Jisung's pulse and bringing him inside of the car with Minho following their every step, hoping that Jisung would be alright.

During the drive into the hospital Jisung seemed to be stable. Thanks to Minho's fast actions the young boy seemed to be  able to survive the blood loss.

Nevertheless tears still kept rolling down Minho's face as he watched Jisung's seemingly lifeless body infront of him.

"Don't you dare leaving me here, Sung. You need to stay strong, okay? Please, please stay with me", he mumbled, taking the smaller's cold hand into his own and rubbed the back of it.

Finally arriving at the hospital the monitor suddenly began beeping.

Minho jolted up.

"What's wrong?? What's happening???"

But no one answered. Jisung was being surrounded by the professionals as they ran him into the next emergency room.

The older boy ran behind them, wanting to know the reason of the sudden change but he was left alone outside of the operating room.

The next two hours Minho kept pacing back and forth in front of the room, waiting for a doctor to come outside and tell him that his friend and crush will be okay.

But it never happened.

The doctors never left the room, too focused on saving the young boy's life and Minho was blaming himself for this.

Why didn't he directly stay with Jisung after school? Why didn't he bring the key with him the first time? Why didn't he react sooner and didn't just stand in the doorframe? Why didn't he ask Jisung sooner what's wrong?

As the thoughts kept running through his mind, the door finally opened, revealing a tired doctor who wiped the sweat from his forehead with a frown on his face.

"He's stable..."

"...for now"


This is the first chapter of "Waiting Room", hope you liked it^^

Well, Jisung is Minho's crush... Idk, it felt wrong making Minho having a crush on Jisung after he did what he did, this way it feels more genuine, yk so yeah. Btw, his crush is there since like 2 years

Please feel free to correct my mistakes, I'm not a doctor nor is English my first language so yeah haha

Also I'm sorry for my poor writing, I hope I will get better throughout the story!!

Well, see you next chapter^^

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