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Tw: description of suicide

Tears streamed down the young boy's cheeks while he slowly cut the knife through his vein.

The pain in his heart was unbearable. Thoughts kept running through his mind faster than the blood was dripping from his arm onto the white carpet below him.

He wanted to scream, scream his heart out of his chest together with all the pain that's flowing through his body.

But he couldn't.

His body produced more adrenaline, making it impossible for him to think straight. All he could see was red.

Red arm.

Red carpet.

Red knife.

And in the mirror he could see his eyes, red from crying.

Slowly, his body began to shut down, the tears stopped flowing, his heart was beating weaker every second and the thoughts began to calm down.

The pain faded away as well as his eyes wanted to close themselves and his legs became weak and gave up.

He fell onto the ground. The white carpet got drenched with the blood flowing out of his arm as a last tear rolled down his cheek before he watched his heart beating it's last beat and his body taking it's last breath in the mirror.

Jisung finally was at ease again.


This is my first story^^"
I'm still not sure if I want it to be a short story or a long ass one with many chapters.
Idk if anyone even reads this story but we'll see... I'mma publish the chapters as soon as I have enough to upload regularly haha
And since this is my first story, please excuse my probably poor writing style.
I hope the next chapters won't be as short as the prologue but we'll never know if my creativity is being a bitch again :D
Oh, and please feel free to correct my mistakes, English isn't my first language!!

Just so you know, I actually want to begin publishing the chapters this week, but since I'm writing my finals at the moment it could take a little bit longer. Please be patient >.<
After that I'll try to have a regular uploading schedule hope I won't fuck it up haha

Peace out,

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