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Tw: description of sh scars

It's been a month by now.

Jisung sat at his railing, all alone, crying. It's been really hard these last weeks.

Felix was gone

His parents visited him only 2 more times and oy for an hour. The work was probably way more important than him.

Only Minho and Chan came to visit him. And Minho came literally every day.

His heart ached.

He didn't want this anymore.

He didn't want to be separated from Minho.

He didn't want to see Minho crying everyday because of him.

It's his fault.

He's the reason Minho cries everyday and it breaks his heart. He didn't know that Minho would care so much and now he's seeing him breaking down on a daily basis.

Jisung just wanted to wake up again. He just wanted to see Felix again, hug him and thank him for everything.

He wanted to be able to hold Minho in his arms. To kiss his forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips, thanking him for showing him that he's loved. Thanking him for being by his side day to day, thanking him for making him feel wanted.

It really was his only wish. To finally wake up and start to live.

The door opened once again. A nurse entered the room and refreshed Jisung's vitamins and checked his monitor.

She also removed the bandages around his arm. They weren't needed anymore.

Jisung took his time to look at his arm. There was a big scar decorating his left arm along his vein.

It was pretty long, beginning at the crook of his arm and going downwards to his wrist.

There also were other, smaller scars going vertical, sometimes crossing the big one in the middle.

Jisung watched the nurse putting a sleeve onto his arm so that not everyone could see what he had done to himself and maybe got triggered because of this.

He sighed. Why had he done this?

Why had he been so selfish?

Why hadn't he talked to Minho?

The nurse finally left the room. Shortly after her Minho entered. He probably had to wait for her to be finished nursing the poor boy in coma to come visit him.

As soon as he arrived at Jisung's bed he took a chair and sat himself directly next to him, not forgetting to take his cold hand and caress it's back.

"Jisung... It's been nearly 2 months by now...", he whispered as slowly a tear rolled down his cheek. It was obvious that he tried holding back his sobs.

Minho was exhausted. The boy he loved for so long now was in a coma, all because Minho himself wasn't able to be there for him properly. Ay least that's what Minho thought.

Just like Jisung did to himself all the time, the older one blamed it all on himself.


More like why not?... He simply couldn't think of any other reason.

As his best friend it was his job to not only notice but also help. And he failed.

In his opinion at least.

Of course, Jisung saw that in a whole other light.

For him Minho was the only one who really made him want to live, if we look away from Felix for a second.

Minho hadn't failed Jisung, neither had Jisung failed himself. Jisung has a sickness which worst outcome is suicide. It's no ones fault in this case.

And there was still hope for him to wake up.

He wasn't dead yet.


The magical word.

And maybe also the reason for him to wake up again.

Because he, as well as Minho, believed in Jisung's body to finally recover.

"I really do miss you a lot, Sungie. Please..."

Minho choked on his own tears.

"Please wake up again. I need you, please"

The older one layed his upper body onto Jisung and hugged his body as good as it was possible for the position they were in.

"I miss you."

The bedsheets became wet. Minho couldn't stop crying, he clinged himself onto the seemingly lifeless body and just cried.

As for Jisung, you probably guess it, he also cried. Not being able to comfort the other one broke him. It broke him seeing Minho broken like this.

His childhood best friend never showed this completely fragile part to Jisung.

Maybe it was because he didn't want Jisung to worry, maybe it was because there was nothing that could break him as much as seeing the small boy in such a state.

And Jisung screamed. He screamed for Minho in hope he would hear him, but his words got lost in the middle of nowhere, not able to reach Minho.

Oh what Jisung would do to finally wake up again.


This chapter is shorter than the others, I'm sorry but it kinda didn't feel right to add something so I ended it here haha.
The end will probably come soon hehe
As I said, this is a short story/mini-fic so yeah.

And sorry for not waiting until tomorrow, I don't have the time then so I posted it today😅

Which end do you hope for/how do you want the story to end?

Thank you for reading, see you next chapter💕

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