344 17 7

Tw: panic attack; car crash

Jisung was laying on the floor, completely exhausted from listening to Minho. 
No, not that his words bored him, they just made him cry so much that he now hadn't enough strength to stand up.


Said boy looked up. He wasn't scared this time, the voice came from only one direction, the direction Felix came running towards him.

"Where were you? I thought we couldn't do anything here?", Jisung tiredly said and watched the blonde sitting down next to him.

"I was here all the time... You just suddenly disappeared", stated Felix, looking down at Jisung who looked up at him, confusion written on his face.


Both boys didn't understand anything at this point. They were overly confused. What was happening? Why was the other one disappearing? 

They didn't know the answer to that, but they did know that something was off, they just couldn't find out what it was, yet.

"Hey Felix"


"Uhm", Jisung seemed to hesitate. He didn't know if asking what he wanted to ask would be good for either of them.

"Can I... Can I take a look at your body?"

The blonde boy frowned. Since he got into a car accident his body looked really damn bad, maybe even disturbing for some.
Nevertheless he nodded quietly and stood up.

"Come with me"

Jisung followed Felix to his railing.

The taller one looked down at his body. His arms, legs and head were nearly completely wrapped up in bandages. The eyes were blue and swollen, his lips looked crusty under the mask and his skin was as pale as snow.

What he didn't notice though was that Jisung didn't come near the railing.

The male stood a few feet away, holding his hands against his had as if he was trying to get something out of it.


No answer.

Jisung was panicking. He wasn't able to control himself anymore, the replica of his body was shaking and tears began flowing.

His breath also was out of control. It couldn't seem to get a clear rhythm, it seemed like Jisung would hyperventilate.

Felix rushed towards the boy. Why was he suddenly panicking? What triggered him?

"Jisung, can I touch you?"

Jisung, who now sat on the floor, crying and shaking, sweating and thinking he would choke, nodded and let Felix hug him.

"You're okay. You're safe. Breathe with me okay? Breathe in", Felix took a deep breath, "and breathe out."

Jisung tried to follow Felix as good as possible.
At first it seemed impossible, he just couldn't get a grip and control his breathing but eventually, he began to calm down, his breath was finally in control again and his body stopped shaking.

After a few minutes Jisung began to break the hug and looked at Felix, thankfulness written on his face.

"T-thank you Lix..."

"No worries Jisung.... Wanna tell me what happened?"

The taller one looked at the other in concern.

Taking a deep breath, Jisung opened his mouth.

"You know those old TVs when they get those fizzles in black and white and give this unbearable tone?..."

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