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Minho sat next to Jisung the whole day long. He even ignored the texts and calls of his friends since he wanted that Jisung had his full attention, not knowing if the boy could feel his presence or not.

He literally poured his heart out, telling Jisung how much he needed him and that he wished the younger would've talked to him when things were bad.

Throughout this whole time he held the younger boy's hand and caressed it to show that he would always be there for him.

"Actually, I blame myself that this happened", Minho confessed. "If I would've been with you, if I would've shown you how much you mean to me earlier, maybe we could've shared your pain."

"You know, pain is more bearable if it's shared. Isn't this what you always tell us?... Whenever we need to get something off our chests you're always the first one to be there for us, the first one we could talk to, the first one we could always rely on."

"Why didn't you talk to us? You don't have to pretend to be someone you aren't around us. You could've been yourself. Showing your pain doesn't make you any less strong. That's also something you told me when we were young."

Minho chuckled lightly.

"Do you remember?... I fell on the playground and scratched my knee open. You came running to me and wanted to help me but I pushed you away in fear you would see me crying. But instead of leaving me alone you hugged me, told me it's okay to cry and that it just shows how strong I am."

He sighed.

"I really love this memory. Maybe it was the day I realized that you really are the bestest friend anyone could wish for."

"Please Jisung, promise me to wake up. Please allow me to be selfish again."

"I want to see you smile, I want to hear your laugh and I want to feel your hug once more. Please, just for once, come back to me."

More tears escaped Minho's swollen red eyes. He used his free hand to wipe them away, which actually was pretty useless since even more water ran down the male's cheeks.

"Please little squirrel, please let me show you that you can find happiness in this goddamn world."

Later that day, around evening, Minho had to leave since visiting hours were ending.

Walking down the dark street Minho kept thinking about the things he told Jisung's unconscious body right now.

'Tsk... He can't even hear me, I'm so stupid... Why didn't I tell him everything sooner? Why didn't I have the guts to go up to him to show him that hes not alone?... I should've been there sooner, should've told him that he's loved sooner, should've tried to take his pain away sooner.'

Minho was blaming himself on everything. He knew that he fucked up and that it was unforgivable that he didn't react sooner.

Finally Minho arrived at his house.
The front yard had many flowers, colors were spread everywhere, everything seemed so happy.

The male couldn't stand it. The happiness his front yard radiated was unbearable. Even the birds knew about the horrible event that happened only one day ago.

Rushing inside, Minho took off his shoes and directly ran up into his room, not caring about eating.

Of course his parents knew what happened next door. They understood Minho's pain and let him calm down first before forcing him into things he didn't want to do too soon.

Jisung's parents were over anyways. They couldn't stand being in the same house their son attempted suicide. They couldn't believe they never realized what was going on in their beloved son's mind.

And Minho's parents knew that Minho couldn't be around Jisung's parents right now. They knew he would scream at them for not being home enough, for 'abdonning' their son like this, for not being there for him when he needed it the most.

Even though Minho knew it wasn't the younger's parent's fault, he still would scream at them since he couldn't hold the pain around them.

Falling onto his bed, the male finally allowed himself to close his eyes.

Without even changing outfits he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


This chapter is a little bit shorter, sorry for that haha

I was thinking about bringing more 'action' into this chapter but ending it on that point seemed like the right ending for this chapter.

Just so you know:
Jisung is 18 years old and Minho is 19

Felix is also 18. Changbin is 19 as well as Minho.

I changed the ages a little bit so that it fits more into the story

Please remember: The characters in this ff are in no way mirroring the real persons! If you're reading a fanfiction never project the character onto the real persons!! These are fictional character based on the looks of real people, nothing more!!!

See you again next chapter, thank you for reading^^

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