Like she'd been burned, Camila jerked away from her, sitting up straight, "Lucy? Who's Lucy? Your ex?"

Lauren laughed, "Lucy is just a friend. Alexa's sister. Known her for years. She also happens to be a shrink"

"You were talking to her about me?" Camila crossed her arms.

"Yes" Lauren said, tugging on Camila's hips, trying to pull her back to lie next to her. But Camila scooted further away into the jumble of pillows by her headboard. "Hey, I was talking to her about you because I like you, woman. Get that straight"

Camila narrowed her eyes, fixed Lauren with a harsh stare, but said nothing.

"And I was trying to understand you, and I still don't entirely understand you, so help a woman out"

"Fine, but I don't want other woman touching you" she said sharply as she glared at Lauren.

Another laugh took hold of Lauren, deep and rumbling through her chest. It warmed her up, knowing how possessive Camila was, "I believe I've made it patently clear that I am a one-woman kind of person, and you are my kind of woman. But this conversation isn't about me. I want to know what's going on with you" she said, succeeding this time in tugging Camila alongside her.

Camila took a breath, pursed her lips together, and then exhaled. Camila looked Lauren square in the eyes, her pretty brown ones were tinged with sadness and a trace of fear. Lauren's heart lurched towards her, wanting to help her, reassure her. Camila licked her lips, and spoke in a wobbly voice that grew stronger as she pushed through, "I've got some trouble from my past chasing me. And I can't say anything more, because I don't want you or anyone I care about to get caught up in my problems"

Lauren started to speak, to tell her she wasn't afraid of problems, and she certainly didn't expect anyone to come to a relationship baggage-free, but Camila help up her hand to silence her.

"Eventually, I'll be free of it, but right now there's just stuff I have to deal with, and that's why I left so quickly" she said, her voice raw and pained, "I'm sorry"

"Is someone hurting you?" Lauren asked, clenching her fists as she kept her voice on and even keel. She didn't want to scare Camila, but she sure as hell would hurt anyone who laid a hand on the girl.

"No" Camila said quickly, shaking her head. "Nor do I have a pill problem, or anything like your ex, I swear" She gripped Lauren's bicep, digging her fingers into the girl's flesh to make her point, "I promise"

"That is excellent news. But what sort of trouble is it, then?

"Lauren" she said, soft, but insistent in her tone, "That's all I want to say. I have to keep the people I care about out of it. And I care about you. So deeply, and more than I ever thought I would" she said, reaching for Lauren's hand, and threading her soft fingers through the girl's. "So much more" she added, squeezing her hand for emphasis, and her touch sent a shiver through Lauren. Camila kissed Lauren's hand. By God, Lauren could get used to this side of her. She would love to see this part of Camila every day. "It's my problem to deal with, and I'm dealing with it"

Lauren wanted to help her, but she wasn't sure Camila would let her so she tried another way to understand the scope of this problem. "Is it something I should be worried about?"

Camila shook her head, "No"

Lauren raised an eyebrow; studying Camila's face, trying to read her. She wasn't sure what was going on, but something in her gut said Camila was telling the truth. Or maybe she just wanted to believe her. Maybe she could. For now, at least. "Okay, I will try my best not to worry for now then" she said, though she knew that would be a tall order because already - deep in her gut - she was concerned for Camila, for everything about her. She wanted to protect her, look out for her. That Camila was hardly the kind of woman who needed taking care of didn't factor into Lauren's thinking one bit. Camila was hers, and she couldn't abide by anyone hurting the girl.

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