"Stop, you're hurting me."

Harvey Bullock picked her up with a firm grip. He didn't want her to get out and end up in on of Ed's silly traps. Emily started to scream but he placed his hand over her mouth. "Stop squirming kid!"

Emily struggled in his tight grip "Owe! Let me go!" She took a deep breath before shrieking, DADDY!"

Another loud crashing noise came across the radio frequency. It was made by Emily jumping up out of the police's hands. She had bit Harvey's arm to break free. The officers crashed and broke everything in her childhood living room. They were looking for her.

Gordon began to panic, hearing only static emerge from the radio. Emily could hear his voice, hiding underneath her father's old desk. "O'Hara?....Anybody?" A long pause took place where Emily curled up in a ball. Her size made it easy to go unnoticed for now but considering the officers thorough search of the place Emily didn't have long until she was found again. Where had her dad gone?He disappeared as soon as they started to storm the place. At the time she had no clue it was the soon to be appointed Commissioner talking on the radio. "Calling all back up, report immediately to East 5th."

Her eyes closed, she should of listened, stayed hidden but her curiosity had gotten to her again. The noises, yelling, gunfire echoed in her head. It was almost painful for her not to check it out. "There you are." A stern, unkind voice growled gripping her wrist tightly. Her eyes shot open as she was pulled out from her hiding please.

"Put me down, Put me down! Daddy!" Her cry goes off through the speakers.

My eyes shot open, I had let the memory go on to far. Things got worse once they brought me into the station that day. No one knew where my father had disappeared too. They didn't believe he was my father. Apparently years and years before I was born, what seemed like ancient history. My dad worked in the police station. After graduating early from college, he was a coroner there or something. The thought was weird, my dad once worked with people who wanted to arrest him. Somehow I felt as if I were to stay here it would bring up more of these unwanted memories.

Time to escape, I went to stand up when the whole room shifted. It kept tilting back and forth as my legs felt numb. "What the hell?" I mutter trying to push through the feeling. My heart was pounding from a surge of adrenaline. The truth drug! That's what it had to be an effect of. I needed to get out now before I lost it.

My first attempt to stand up ended in a face plant. I pull myself up by the bars, legs shaking violently as they move forward. I slip the keys out of my pocket, unlocking the cell. A panic was on my face, trying to focus on the lock. The lock kept moving away from my key.

A cop tilted the brim of his hat down, chuckling at the site. I ignored him, wondering how I planned on getting across the room. The door seemed really far away. "Lady chill."

He must have notice the look of panic in my eyes."Chill? Don't tell me what the fuck to do!"

"Great language for a suppose genius." He laughs with a sly smile on his face.

After a hard push the cell opened. "I am a genius you imbecile!" I was about to attack him when all of a sudden I become tired, unable to even swing a punch. Everything slowed down, becoming hazy.

"Really now?" He was laughing at me like I was a joke. Stupid cop. Why was he laughing at me! Didn't he know I would kill him the moment I was able to move my hands. He lifted the brim of his hat upwards, showing his smile in more detail. His voice was low, "Then why are you trying to fight me?"

My vision was blurry, fading in and out. It took most my focus to notice whose smile I was faced with. In my defense I still wasn't use to him with dark brown hair. "Ka-"

The Riddler's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora