Chapter Fifty-Seven: All Along

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"Look, we've all been there, right?" Wanda said to the camera. "Letting our fear and anger get the best of us, intentionally expanding the borders of the false world we created."

A brief flashback to the night before, when Wanda expanded the Hex to consume the S.W.O.R.D base.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the triplets were trying to play video games. The PlayStation controllers changed to retro-style controllers, then to an Atari controller, then into UNO cards.

"Mom, are you coming down soon?" Tommy yelled.

"Mom, our game is freaking out," Billy added.

"It's, like, really weird," Connor said.

When there was no response, they went up to their mother's bedroom to see if she was asleep. Wanda was in her bed, eyes closed.

"Is she asleep?" Tommy asked.

"Mommy's not sleeping, honey," Wanda said. "She's just resting her eyes."

"Mom, my head feels weird," Billy said. 'It's, like, really noisy. I don't like it."

"Resting her eyes."

Billy and Tommy just looked at each other and shrugged, then left. Connor stayed behind though.

"Mom... is this because I don't have powers?"

Wanda opened her eyes. "What?"

"Dad and Uncle Pietro aren't here. You're 'resting your eyes.' Is it because Tommy and Billy have powers and I don't?"

Wanda sat up in bed. "No, of course not honey. We don't love you any less because you haven't got powers. You know, your father-" She hesitated. "Your father and I once knew a man, a man who beat up bad guys even though he wasn't special."

"He wasn't like you or Dad?"

"Nope. He was just a guy trying to do the right thing. And because he didn't have powers, he was also whatever people needed him to be. He could be the good guy or the bad guy, because he could be either one. He was a dark knight. And maybe you can be one, too."

"Me? A dark knight?"

"You can be anything you want to be. Now go downstairs and have some fun with your brothers."

"Ok!" Connor said cheerfully, then ran out of Wanda's room.

Later, after she had finally gotten up, Wanda came downstairs to find numerous things around the house switching between time periods, including the triplet's games.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what that's about," She said to the camera. "It's probably just a case of the Mondays. Am I right?"


(Y/N), meanwhile, was at the old S.W.O.R.D base, which had been turned into a circus. He walked between tents, taking note of the situation.

A man came up to him. "You're the new clown? Well, alright. You're late for rehearsal with the escape artist. Come on."

(Y/N) decided it would be best to play along. That was, until he recognized someone from the night before. It was the same woman who was frozen in a block of ice.

"Yeah, I'm not great at this gig, I gotta be honest," She was saying. "It doesn't really speak to my skill set. I put in for the bearded lady, but this alabaster complexion wasn't fooling anyone." she noticed (Y/N) off to the side. "Can I help you, creeper?"

(Y/N) realized he had been staring. "I, uh - you don't remember me from last night?" it would make sense. She was frozen in ice.

"Hard pass," She said, then walked away.

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