Chapter Forty-One: A Broken Promise

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The deserted landscape spread out as far as the eye could see. A ruined city, torn apart by the flames of war, towered above the ground, the shadows of the skyscrapers stretching as the sun set.

Just outside the city lied what once was a highway, but now it had been torn to a ruin, only part of the bridge standing, still filled with the cars whose drivers had been stunned when the attack came. That was weeks ago.

It was from behind one of these many cars that Bruce Wayne emerged. His batsuit was now covered by a massive tan trench coat, and his cowl was fitted with goggles that sat right above his eyes. He was also carrying an automatic rifle, something nobody had ever seen the Batman do before.

"Clear!" He shouted.

From behind the other cars came his crew: Natasha, Barry, Victor, and Rhodey. The others were still wearing what they had on when Thanos snapped his fingers, all except for Victor, who had a massive brown coat covering most of his body, with the exception of his head.

"How much further?" Victor asked.

"We're close."

"We can't stay out here too long. He'll come for us!"

"Let him come," Natasha said, driving her staff into the ground. "Let that bastard come. I'll stab him through the heart for what he did to Bruce." she was, of course, referring to Bruce Banner.

"Natasha," The other Bruce consoled her, "I know how you feel now."

"You have no idea."

"But we have to stick to the plan."

She stared him dead in the eyes. "Who have you ever loved?"

There was a moment of silence from the bat, until someone else spoke up. Only, they weren't speaking - they were laughing. A quiet, unnerving laugh, one that sent shivers down the spines of everyone who heard it.

Bruce turned to the cackling figure, who had taken a seat on the hood of one of the cars, watching the sunset.

"Au contraire, my little Russian doll," The figure said. "He knows exactly what it's like to lose someone. Someone like... a father. Like a mother."

"Be very careful about the next thing you say," Bruce threatened.

"Like an adoptive son... isn't that right..."

The figure turned to face Bruce, revealing himself. His long, dyed-green hair flowing in what little wind there was. His face was completely painted white, except for around his eyes, which was black, and around his mouth, which was a deep, bloody red. The Joker.


Bruce walked over to his arch nemesis, his expression cold, and unyielding.

"Maybe, in a way, that little old blondie is right, because how many dead eyes can you look into before you grow numb to death?" The Joker inquired.

"That's not very careful."

"How many will die in your arms before you die inside yourself?"

"I've been dead inside a long time, but even I have a limit. And if you cross that line, I swear to god I will-"

"You'll what, Bruce, kill me? You won't kill me." He smiled. "I'm your best friend. Besides, who's gonna give you a reach-around?" He said, chuckling.

"Anyway," The Joker continued, "You need me. You. Need me. To help you undo this world you created by letting her die."

Bruce began to tremble with rage.

"Poor Wanda," The Joker said, "How she suffered so!" He sighed. "I often wonder, in how many alternate timelines do you destroy the universe because, quite frankly, you don't have the cojones to die yourself. Hm? So, as usual, I'll be the bigger man..."

He performed a corny magic trick, pulling out a Joker card, and holding it out to Bruce.

"A truce, Bruce," The Joker cackled, "As long as you have this card, a truce. But all you have to do is tear it in half and I'll be happy to discuss any way you like why you sent a boy wonder... to do a man's job."

"You know, it's funny," Bruce finally spoke, "that you would talk about people who died in my arms, but as I held Harley Quinn, and she was bleeding and dying, she begged me, with her last breath, that when I killed you - and make no mistake, I will fucking kill you - that I'd do it slow. I'm gonna honor that promise."

He grabbed the card, pulling out of the Joker's hand, examining it before putting it in the pocket of his jacket. "Maybe this will come in handy."

"Honor?" the Joker mused. "Really Bruce, honor? We live in a society, where honor is a distant memory. By the way, who do you think screamed the loudest..."

...The girl?

...Or the boy?"

The Joker grinned at Bruce, and cackled at him, taunting him over a broken promise.

Bruce, having enough with the Joker,  walked back to the rest of the team.

"What's the plan?" Rhodey asked.

"Go someplace he'd never suspect."

"Do you still think it was a good idea to bring him along?" Rhodey asked rhetorically.

"What do you think?" Bruce retorted.

The blue light on Victor's forehead suddenly turned orange. He tried to figure out what was going on but it instantly became apparent when an ear-splitting boom sounded out not too far from where they were standing.

"He's found us!"

Rhodey lowered the mask on his suit. Natasha grabbed her staff and split it into two batons. Barry lowered into a running position. Victor threw off the heavy coat, revealing an extra pair of hands that had sprouted from his back, carrying an M134 minigun. The Joker cackled as Bruce turned to face the noise, his eyes wide with fear. He raised his rifle, knowing it would be useless.

And standing not twenty feet from the barrel of his gun was his old friend, (Y/N) (L/N), his eyes glowing red, his cape flowing out behind him.

Natasha charged, only to be flung back by a single punch from (Y/N). Barry tried to flank him from behind, but (Y/N) was able to react fast enough and trip the speedster. Rhodey, Victor, and Bruce all opened fire. The sheer amount of force from the combined weaponry would shred any man to pieces, but (Y/N) held his ground. He would have his revenge.

That is, he was immovable until someone else, someone just as strong as the Kryptonian, jumped down from the sky to face him. Bruce and the others held their fire as the figure turned to look at them. 

It was a woman, a little older than (Y/N), with wavy blonde hair and glowing white eyes.

"Run," was all she said, and Bruce didn't have to think twice.

"Get to the compound! Finish the plan!" Bruce shouted. "I'll find the weapon!"

Victor nodded. He and Rhodey grabbed Nat, Barry, and the Joker, carrying them away from the brawl.

"Don't do this, (Y/N)," Carol said to her former friend. "This isn't you."

"She's dead because of him." His voice was unemotional, immovable, unyielding.

"She's dead because of Thanos, not Batman."

"You don't know what it's like!" He shouted, throwing a punch at Carol. She was able to block it with some effort, the collision sending a massive shockwave through the desolated landscape.

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