Chapter Thirty-Five: Justice League

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"Tell me about Bane. Why does he wear the mask?" Barry asked Bruce.

"It pours gas into his lungs that strengthens him and blocks out his reception to pain. He's beat me once, don't underestimate him."

"It's likely that he's gotten his mercenaries out of the minimum security level," Vision informed them.

"He already has. Eleven minutes ago," Victor said.

"Bruce and I will deal with Bane. The rest of you, round up his henchmen," Diana said.

"I can help," Wanda said. "Bane might be able to fight the two of you, but he'll never expect me."

"I like this plan," Bruce said.


Bane and his mercenaries had stolen multiple trucks from the Arkham parking lot, and were using them as getaway cars.

The trucks sped through the streets of Gotham, showing no sign of stopping as they swerved through the city center. Bane's plan was in motion, but there was one thing he wasn't expecting.

From behind one of the two trucks came a speeding car, completely painted in black, pursuing them. It didn't take his driver's frightened remarks for Bane to know who it was.

"I was wondering when you would come for me!" Bane yelled at Batman from the back of the truck. The guns on the Batmobile began to fire at the truck, trying to get it to stop.

Suddenly, a woman ran onto the scene and slashed the tires of the truck in front of Bane, with what looked like a sword. The truck grinded to a halt, and Bane's driver swerved out of the way. A flash of yellow came in front of the truck's windshield, and Bane could smell the smoke coming from the front of the truck. The driver did his best to keep going. This wasn't good. Bane had been expecting Batman to come, but not anybody else.

The damage to the engine had been done, and the truck's tires topped turning, forcing it to drift before landing on its side. Bane and his mercenaries climbed out the back and were approached by Batman, the woman from earlier, and a person Bane recognized as Wanda Maximoff.

"Who are you people?" Bane asked, his gaze remaining emotionless.

"We're the Justice League," Batman said.

The Maximoff girl used her telekinetic powers to throw Bane's mercenaries back. Now, it was just him. 

"If I take that off, will you die?" Wanda asked Bane.

"It would be extremely painful..."

"You're a big guy."

"...for you."

Batman and Diana charged at Bane, but he was ready for them. As Batman went to punch Bane, he stuck his arm out to stop Batman, who ran right into Bane's arm and fell over. Diana blitzed Bane, swinging her sword at him violently. Bane was able to doge her speedy attacks for the most part. She was able to hit part of his mask, enraging Bane. He charged at Diana, punching her in the face when he got close enough. Diana was stunned for a moment, but for the most part the attack was ineffective. She then performed a backflip over Bane's head, and when she reached the ground, Diana clashed her bracelets together, causing Bane to lurch forward. He then felt himself floating into the air, and he realized that Wanda was using her powers on him. 

Wanda threw Bane into his wrecked getaway truck, mangling his mask in the process. Bane could feel his body impacting on the truck, multiple bones breaking. He tried to get up, but he couldn't.

That was when Wanda noticed the helicopter floating overhead. The logo on the side revealed it was a news helicopter, and the camera was pointed right at her. In defeating Bane, she had, inadvertently, come out of hiding.

"Go," Bruce said, as if reading her mind. "He would have wanted you to."

She used her powers to lift herself into the air, and fly away, just as (Y/N) had taught her to. That felt so long ago.

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