Chapter Eight: Three little words

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(Y/N) was sleeping soundly when a light turned on, waking him and Wanda up. Standing in front of the TV was Steve, Natasha, Vision, Sam, and Rhodey. The whole team knew now.

"Ah, shit," (Y/N) whispered to himself.

"What's wrong?" She whispered to him, not knowing what was happening. But when she opened her eyes, she saw. "Oh... hi guys..."

"Okay, who knew about this?" Rhodey asked the others.

"Rhodey, we're right here," (Y/N) said. Nobody noticed him.

"I saw them kissing outside their rooms a few days ago," Steve said.

"Should I use my powers of invisibility for good or for evil?" (Y/N) said sarcastically.

"Wanda asked me for advice when you guys were running laps," Natasha said.

(Y/N) turned to Wanda in surprise.

"What can I say? I've never asked a guy out before," she shrugged.

"I suspected something going on between them, but (Y/N) told me they were 'just friends.' Apparently you were lying," Vision said, first to the others and then to (Y/N).

"Look, I'm sorry Vision, but I didn't want anyone else to know about our relationship. I didn't want you guys to think I was 'using her' or anything, ok? I love her and I love being with her."

The team looked surprised.

"What did you just say?" Sam asked.

"I just said 'I love being with her.' And then I just stopped talking," (Y/N) lied, knowing it would be useless.

"You love me?" Wanda said. For a moment there (Y/N) had forgotten she was right next to him.

"Yes, Wanda. I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N)," she said, then kissed him.

Everyone (except Vision, who had no clue what was goin on) started clapping when Wanda kissed (Y/N). He looked into her beautiful green eyes and his heart melted. She really, truly, did love him.

"(Y/N), we would never think you were using Wanda," Rhodey said. "I mean, we just met you. We have nothing against you."

The other Avengers seemed to agree with this.

"Thank you guys," (Y/N) said.

"No problem. Anything to help a bro out," Sam said.

"Ok, so Rhodey just said that you guys just met, but you're calling him your 'bro?'" Natasha asked, causing everyone to laugh.

(Y/N) started to get up. "Well, I suppose I should get some breakfast."

Steve gestured for him to sit down. "I don't think so. You guys just confessed love for each other, I'll be making breakfast this morning."

"Thanks Cap, but I don't think I want to eat something from 1940." This made him laugh.

"I'll make pancakes. Does that sound good to you two?" He asked.

"Pancakes sound good, actually," Wanda said.

"Yeah, I agree," (Y/N) said.

And so Steve made the couple pancakes to eat on the couch, along with a bottle of maple syrup for their liking.

"You two better not spill that," Steve said when he came back.

"We won't," Wanda chuckled.

(Y/N) poured maple syrup onto both of their pancakes, then handed Wanda hers.

"These smell delicious," she said.

And they were.

Monsters (Wanda Maximoff x male Superman reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें