Chapter Four: First Date

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"Don't say it! Don't you dare say it!"

"On your left."

"Come on!"

Sam, Steve, and (Y/N) had been running for a good twenty minutes now. Rhodey was driving the pace car, and was being quite condescending while at it.

"You gotta catch up, Sam," he said through a megaphone even though he was right next to Sam.

"Can you maybe not use the megaphone?"


"Why not?"

"Because I like using the megaphone."

"He makes a fair point," (Y/N) said as he zoomed past Sam

"What the-"

"That's the fifth time you've been lapped by him, Sam," Rhodey said into the megaphone.

"He's an alien!"

"That is a terrible excuse."


Natasha and Wanda were sitting on a nearby bench, watching the boys... well, be boys.

"Ladies," (Y/N) said as he zoomed past them.

"Show off," Natasha said even though she was smiling.

"I don't know," Wanda said. "I think he's kind of cute."

"You think (Y/N) is cute?"

Wanda blushed. "We talked for a while last night. He's really sweet."

"Why don't you ask him out?"

Wanda was surprised at Natasha's sudden suggestion. "Why would I do that?"

"You said he's sweet."

"I never said I liked him."

"It was implied."

"Okay, fine, yes, I have a crush on (Y/N). Happy?" Wanda confessed, her cheeks turning even redder.

"Come on Wanda. You know I'm just teasing."

Wanda paused. "How do I, you know, ask him out?"

"Just be direct. It's clear he likes you, I doubt he will say no."

"Alright. I'll be direct."

"Hey." Natasha put her hand on Wanda's shoulder. "You'll do good."

They turned back to see what the guys were doing. Rhodey was still taunting Sam, while Steve and (Y/N) came up behind him.

"On your left," Steve said.

"On your left, Captain," (Y/N) said as he passed both of them. He turned around and started running backwards. "I'm not even winded!"

All of a sudden, (Y/N) tripped over his own legs and fell flat on his back, letting out a loud 'oof' sound when he landed. Rhodey stopped the pace car and got out to check on him.

"You all right, spaceboy?" Rhodey had come up with the nickname the day before.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me. Need a minute."

Steve passed them. "Are you winded now?"

"Screw you too, Steve!" (Y/N) yelled from the ground.

Rhodey offered (Y/N) his hand and helped him up.

"I think I'm done for the day," (Y/N) said, and walked back to the compound.


(Y/N) entered his room. He may have had the best pace out of anyone on the team, but that didn't mean he wasn't tired. He quickly changed clothes and flopped onto his bed, which was the same exact way he left it the night before. He was about to turn on the TV and watch something when he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in!"

As it turns out the person at the door was Wanda.

"Hi. Can I talk to you about something?"

"By all means."

She sat down next to him.

"I have something I need to confess, (Y/N)."

"What's going on?"

"I... have feelings for you, (Y/N). I know we only just met but I can't help it."

(Y/N) was shocked. He had feelings for her too, but he never thought she would feel the same way, much less confess first.

"(Y/N), would you like to go on a date with me? Possibly later today?"

"I would love to, Wanda. It would be my pleasure."

They both started smiling as he said the words.

"I'll meet you out front in a few hours, alright?" she said, standing up.

"In a few hours."


About two hours later (Y/N) met Wanda outside of the compound.  He was wearing a red and white plaid shirt with tan pants and she was wearing a dark red dress that was somehow both elegant and casual.

"You ready?" She said.

"As ready as I'll ever be," (Y/N) responded.

She offered him her hand, and he took it. They walked together to the restaurant (Y/N) had chosen to take her to. When they entered, the host showed them to their table and they sat down across from each other.

"This place is nice," Wanda said.

"Guess I picked the right place."

"You did."

The waiter came over shortly after. (Y/N) ordered a salad and Wanda ordered tomato soup. When the food arrived, Wanda was genuinely surprised at how fast (Y/N) ate his salad.

"I thought you would order the steak," she said.

"I've had the steak here before. It's not the best."

"When did you come here before?"

(Y/N) paused. "Right before my father died," He said quietly.

"Oh," Wanda said. "I'm sorry, if I had known-"

"It's fine, really. You didn't know." He continued to eat his salad.

Wanda eyed her soup as though there was something wrong with it. "It's not warm," she finally said.

"Let me take care of that," (Y/N) offered. She handed him the bowl. His eyes turned red for a little bit, then he handed the soup back to Wanda.

"It's warm now!" She exclaimed happily. (Y/N) loved seeing her like this.

After they had finished eating, (Y/N) happily payed the bill. Wanda protested, she said they should split it, but (Y/N) insisted. Chivalry was not dead, for them at least.

Once they had left and gotten back to the compound, (Y/N) and Wanda decided to turn in for the night.

"I had fun with you tonight," Wanda said when they reached their rooms.

"Me too."

"We'll do it again?"

"Of course."

They looked into each others eyes and instinctively moved closer. They both knew what was going to happen, it was just a matter of who made the first move. They stood there, looking at each other for a good while, but ultimately it was Wanda who kissed (Y/N). It was short, but it was nice, and (Y/N) wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.

"Good night," Wanda said as she went into her room.

"You too," (Y/N) said as he went into his. They closed the doors at the same time. (Y/N) unbuttoned his shirt and lied down on his bed. He just kissed Wanda, and he couldn't be happier. 

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