Chapter Twenty-Two: Sokovia Accords

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The next days went by in a blur. The news was all over what happened in Lagos, as were many members of the U.S. government. The team, Wanda especially, were saddened by what had happened, as was (Y/N). But there was something more he wanted to know. He never found out what the substance in that grenade was, that made him weak. There was only one person who would be able to tell him, and that was its maker: Tony Stark.

Tony was scheduled to arrive later that day. He would speak to him then. Now, he was going to check on Wanda.

She was in her room, watching the news. Specifically, it was a broadcast debating her. When (Y/N) came in, he pressed the 'off' button on the remote, and she turned to look at him.

"They're right. I am a monster."

"Wanda," he said sternly. "If you're a monster, then so am I. We try to save as many as we can. Those people may have died, but more would have if you hadn't gotten there in time. Steve included. Maybe even me..." he trailed off, wondering if the bomb would have killed him thanks to the gas.

"How do you know? When those decisions are right or wrong?"

"Honestly? It's not knowing. It's a feeling. But know that no matter the decisions you make, I will always be there for you."

Vision suddenly phased through the wall, startling both Wanda and (Y/N).

"Vision, we talked about this," Wanda said.

"Yes, but the door was open so I thought-"

Wanda and (Y/N) both looked at him funny.

"I just wanted to let you both know that Mr. Stark has arrived, and he brought a guest."

"Who's the guest?" (Y/N) asked.

"The Secretary of State."


"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt," Secretary Ross was saying. "You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives, but while most people see you as heroes some would prefer to use the word 'vigilantes.'"

"And what word would you use?" Natasha asked.

"How about 'dangerous'?"

The word startled the Avengers. Wanda instinctively grabbed (Y/N)'s hand.

"What would you call a group of US-based enhanced individuals and an alien who, on a regular basis, ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they please, not caring what they leave behind?"

He turned on one of the screens in the rooms.

"New York."

The screen showed clips of the Chitauri invasion. (Y/N) felt slightly angry as the clips were shown. His father had died there.

"Washington, D.C."

The screen showed three massive helicarriers firing on one another, and crashing into the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.


The entire city rose from the ground and was blown up. That was the moment that (Y/N) decided he should become part of the team.


Clips of (Y/N) pummeling General Zod through buildings, and the damage left by the Kryptonian ship.


A single clip of Wanda throwing an exploding Rumlow into a building.

"That's enough," (Y/N) said, standing. "You've made your point. But if we hadn't been there, more people would have died."

"You of all people should be listening to me, (L/N). The people you killed in Metropolis is more than those in New York, Washington D.C. and Lagos combined."

"And what would have happened if I wasn't there? Zod would have wiped out the entire human race."

"(Y/N)," Steve said firmly. (Y/N) sat back down.

"Luckily, I think we have a solution." Ross handed a massive ring-bound book to Wanda. "The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries, it states that the Avengers will no longer operate as a private organization. Instead, they will operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, when, and only when, that panel deems necessary."

"The Avengers were created to make the world a safer place. I believe we've done that," Steve said.

"Tell me, Captain, where are Thor and Banner right now? If I misplaced a couple of 30-megaton nukes, you bet there'll be consequences."

"Think it over."


Most of the Avengers were in the lounge area now, but (Y/N) and Wanda remained in the conference room. (Y/N) wasn't taking the whole accords idea very well, he felt that, being of another world, he would be hit the hardest out of all the Avengers. Wanda was sitting next to him, consoling him.

"What if they decide that these accords are not enough? What if they decide they don't want me to be here anymore? I can't do anything then," He was saying.

"If they do, I'll be by your side. Through it all."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

(Y/N) turned his head to look at Wanda's green eyes. They smiled at each other, then kissed.

The screens in the room made a strange crackling noise. (Y/N) got up and went over to the nearest one. It was glitching randomly, something that had never happened before.

"What's happening?" Wanda asked from where she was still sitting.

"I don't know!"

Suddenly, words started to form on the screen. It was hard to see, (Y/N) could only just make it out.

T̢̐e̤̖͒̚ḷ̨̭͚̯̓̂̆͋̌l̩̤͎̠̔̄̄̇ ̧̹̦̘̰͌͗̐̓̕m̤͐͋͟ẹ̣̫̫̒͆͊͘͘ͅ.̦͉̰̌̿̓..̧̛̥̰̮̰̎̄͐̚

Ḍ̫̮̉̈́͟͞͞o̮̻̣͎̎̀̿͝ ̙͓͓̰̅̋̿̂ỳ͕̻̗̣̟͋̑̒̇o̞͞u̡̼̝̐́̿̒ͅ ̢̹͊͂͟͠b̧̫̲̅̅̿͌͟l̠͚͕̂̎̂e̩̿ē̦ḏ̥̆̍?̘̄

Y͕͗ṑ͉̻̜̟̒͝u̢̗̩̓̆͞ ̛̞͎̺̄͐w̩͌͘͟i̢̲̰̰̳͛̎̐̀͘l̯̺̓̊l.̫̩͋̔̅͜

The screen returned to normal.

Monsters (Wanda Maximoff x male Superman reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora