Chapter Nine: I Don't Know How

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After he and Wanda had finished breakfast, (Y/N) made the decision to train with the other team members. Once they had their little talk with the couple, the other Avengers had gone down to the gym to spar with one another. (Y/N) figured Steve wouldn't mind sparring with him. Though one punch to the face usually did people in, he still wanted to learn just in case.

He entered the gym and saw Steve with a punching bag, and a few others lined up on the floor. 'Incase he breaks one?'(Y/N) thought.

"Hey Cap!" (Y/N) called out.

Steve turned around. "What is it? Did Wanda spill the maple syrup?"

"No, everything's fine. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind sparring with me for a little bit."

"(Y/N), you took out that truck in less than two minutes. It took me five. You don't need practice."

"I know. Just in case someone or something more powerful comes along." he remembered what Jor-El said to him in the fortress. "Like if someone from my world comes."

Steve nodded, then brought his fists up. "Let's see how well you do." Steve threw a punch at (Y/N) which he moved out of the way of. He moved out of the way of a second punch. Then he lightly hit Steve in the gut, which sent him flying back onto the ground.

"Like I said. Less that two minutes," Steve said while getting up.

"You sure you want to try this again? I won't fly out of the way of your punches, I promise."

"I could do this all day."

He threw some more punches at (Y/N) who moved his arms to intercept them. The next few punches he parried, then swung at Steve, but pulled back.

"You're pulling your punches."

"I don't want to hurt you."

They continued on like this for a little while, every now and then switching from offense to defense. 

"So, you and Wanda," Steve said, still trying to hit (Y/N).

"Do we have to talk about this now?" (Y/N) responded, still blocking all of the punches. "Stop trying to hit me and hit me!"

After he said this, Steve successfully landed a hit on (Y/N)'s face, who barely even flinched. (Y/N) decided to go on offense and started throwing punches.

"Have you two ever, you know, danced together?" Steve asked.

"Is that something you did in the forties?"

"I wish."

"Me too, I just don't know how."

"You've never danced before? Not even with your mom as a little kid?"

"I was a strange child."

"It's easy. You just put your hands on her waits, she outs her hands on your shoulders, and you just move to the rhythm."

They stopped sparring.

"You really want me to ask her to dance, do you?"

"I just don't want you to lose your chance like I did."

Steve grabbed a towel from off the floor and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Good talk," he said.

"Yeah, thanks," (Y/N) said as he made his way out of the gym.


(Y/N) found Wanda in her room, watching a Seinfeld episode he had recommended to her, The Marine Biologist.

"The sea was angry that day my friends," he heard from the TV as he walked in and Wanda paused it.

(Y/N) gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hi. I'm sorry I was gone for so long."

"It's alright."

"I had a good chat with Steve. Talked to me about dancing."


"With you, specifically."

Just was he said those words he could hear music playing from outside. He looked, and saw Vision standing next to a giant speaker. He was apparently trying to operate it the whole time (Y/N) was there.

"I guess there's no time like the present," Wanda said, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand.

"You know I've never done this before, right?"

"Neither have I. We'll just figure it out as we go along."

And with that she wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders, and he wrapped his around her waist. They began swaying and stepping with the rhythm of the music, and it was truly amazing.

They stayed like that for what felt asleep until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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