Chapter Thirty-Two: Captain Marvel

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"You're not gonna change your mind about this?" Fury had asked.

"Nope," (Y/N) responded. "If there's more of my people, I have to know."

"There's someone who might be able to help you. An old friend of mine, goes by the alias 'Captain Marvel.'" he handed (Y/N) a photo of said Captain.

"I'll look into it."


(Y/N) had been searching the stars for almost a year. He scoured hundreds of planets for any evidence of Kryptonian survivors, and had found nothing. Until he had searched every world where a ship may have escaped, or an outpost was located, he would not rest.

He was flying between the worlds, to a planet he knew was a former Kryptonian outpost. There was no record of this one being abandoned prior to Krypton's destruction, so there was a chance there could still be some people inhabiting it.

(Y/N) floated down to the surface of the sandy, desert world, his cape billowing in the dry wind. Looking around, he could see no one, nothing. No sign of the outpost. It had to be here. The records in the fortress back on Earth told him so.

He walked for what felt like hours, scouring the planet for any signs of life. He noticed a figure in the distance, but only just, as the heat caused their appearance to distort into the horizon.

"Hey!" He called out as he got closer. The figure turned to face him. They stood there for a moment, studying (Y/N).

"Kryptonian," He heard them say.

A mass of energy came straight for (Y/N)'s head. He dodged the blast, looking on as it crashed into the ground, blowing a massive hole. (Y/N) turned and saw the person flying straight towards him. He was too late to react as they slammed right into him, making him take a step back, looking at his attacker. It was a woman, who looked slightly older than himself, with flowing blonde hair. He recognized her as the woman Fury had told him about - Captain Marvel.

She went to punch his head. "Whoa whoa whoa!" (Y/N) yelled as he ducked below her swing. "Captain Marvel? Fury sent me!" At the mention of Fury's name she ceased her attack.

"Fury?" She asked.

"He said that you could help me find more of Krypton's survivors."

She seemed to think about this for a moment. "You're not with Zod?"

"I watched him die."

She lowered her hands. It was only when they weren't that (Y/N) realized they had been glowing.

"My name is Carol Danvers. Yours?"

"(Y/N) (L/N). People on Earth call me Superman."

"I'll help you get as far as Krypton. But I need a favor."

"Go on."

"An old enemy of mine has resurfaced. I'll need your help to take him to the Nova Corps."

"Shouldn't be too hard."

"You'd be surprised."

She motioned for him to follow her. He did so, and she floated off the ground, blasting off towards the horizon. He leapt after her, following her gleaming figure closely. It reminded him of when he flew with Wanda, almost seeing her ahead of him.

He missed her dearly, as though some part of him were missing. He had promised he would return, but even he didn't know if he could keep that promise. But, deep down, he knew that no matter what, he would never stop loving her.

Carol slowed down, and the two came to what looked to be her ship. She noticed that he was deep in thought, and she could have sworn a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Hm?" He looked up at her. "Yeah. Just thinking."

Carol climbed into the pilot's seat, (Y/N) taking the seat next to her.

"We're going to a planet called Xandar. That's where he was last seen," She explained, taking off the cloak she had been wearing earlier, revealing a red-and-blue suit much like (Y/N)'s own.

"We match," he said, causing Carol to chuckle a little.

The ship took off, leaving the dust and sand to themselves.

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