Chapter Forty-Two: Knightmare

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That was four days ago. In that time, Bruce had planned a meeting with a group of mercenaries who claimed to have acquired a piece of Kryptonite. If they truly did have it, it would be the thing to end this nightmare, once and for all. Only when (Y/N) was out of the picture would the Avengers be able to begin to think about finding Thanos.

He emerged from the bunker he had been hiding out in for the past few days, and walked across the decimated land with haste. If (Y/N) had defeated the person who distracted him while Bruce got away, there would be nothing to stop him from getting to Bruce.

Bruce finally came to the location of the meeting. He walked up to meet the group of mercenaries, their truck sitting before him.

"Did you get it?" He asked their leader. "The rock?"

They simply nodded and opened the back of the truck for Bruce to enter. Inside the truck was a single, open box, its contents on full display. A green light shone through the top of the box. Bruce walked over and peered over the box to look at its contents.

Inside was two neon green lightbulbs.

It had been a setup.

The mercenaries' leader aimed his gun at Bruce's forehead. The bat raised his hands in surrender, his rifle dangling at his side. Gunshots sounded out the back, and Bruce realized that not all the mercenaries were up against him.

"No!" Bruce shouted, grabbing the leader's pistol with his hand and pulling it out of his hand. He punched the leader in the face, knocking him out, then jumped out of the back of the truck, punching the two who came for him. Bruce couldn't help but notice that all the ones shooting at him had (Y/N)'s symbol on their shoulders. 'He wanted me to do this,' Bruce thought.

Bruce fired his gun at the nearest soldier, dropping him. He helped one of the mercenaries, dragging her away from the fray. But it was too late. She was shot dead. Bruce's gun was knocked from his hands, and he felt the butt of someone's gun hit his face.

Then everything faded to black.


Bruce woke with a start. He looked around, seeing that two of the mercenaries from earlier were dangling by their arms on either side of him. The soldiers with (Y/N)'s symbol were standing at the entrance to the shadowy and dank room, and from above came the man himself.

(Y/N) had found him.

The soldiers kneeled before him as he stared Bruce dead in the eyes. (Y/N) shot heat rays at the two mercenaries on either side of Bruce, cutting them in half. Then, he placed his hand on the top of Bruce's head, and ripped the cowl off, looking at it a moment before throwing it to the ground.

"She was my world," (Y/N) said, turning his gaze to meet Bruce's. "And you took her from me."

Bruce didn't speak. He continued glaring at (Y/N).

"Do you want to know how that felt?" He asked, placing a hand on Bruce's chest. "It felt like this."

A searing pain shot through Bruce's chest. He screamed as (Y/N) took his hand away.

Someone dropped into the room behind (Y/N). He turned to see who it was, and the person stepped into the light.

Steve Rogers.

"(Y/N). Don't do this."

More people came from all sides to meet (Y/N). Natasha. Victor. Rhodey. Thor. Barry. Carol. Rocket. Banner, in his damaged hulkbuster armor.

"You can't kill me," (Y/N) said, lifting off the ground.

"We don't want to kill you," Steve said.

(Y/N) glared at Captain America, his glowing red eyes focused on him. But something occurred that exact moment, something odd.

(Y/N) dropped to the ground, kneeling, his eyes forced shut. The Avengers slowly approached him, being wary.

(Y/N)'s eyes opened, no longer red. He stood up nonthreateningly.

"He was controlling me," (Y/N) said. "Thanos, he was controlling me. You have to believe me."

"We do," Steve said as Nat and Rhodey helped Bruce Wayne down. "We know."

"But why did he stop?" Victor wondered.

"I don't know," (Y/N) said.

"Let's get back to the compound," Steve said. "Then, we'll discuss our next move."

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