Chapter Twenty-Six: Rescuing Wanda

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(Y/N) had been at the fortress for a few days, trying to clear his head before returning back to the world. Little did he know that the world would come to him.

It was mid-day, and, just like any other day, (Y/N) was thinking about how things could have happened differently. How he could have stopped the bombing, how he could have prevented the events in Lagos by arriving just a little earlier. That was when he heard someone in the entrance to the fortress. He whirled around, ready to strike, but found that he had no need to be hostile. It was Clint Barton.

"You really should have some better security up here, kid," He joked.

"Clint, what are you doing here?" The two had met once before, but only briefly.

"Cap said you would be here, so here I am."

"He brought you out of retirement?"

"That's basically it, yeah. Told me to pick up you, Wanda, and some other guy named Lang. And you were the closest of those three to where I was at the time."

"So you're just here to get me."

"I need your help, actually."

"Anything I can do."

"Wanda's been confined to the compound. We need to bust her out." Upon hearing the word 'confined' (Y/N) began to seethe slightly.

"Who's guarding her?"

"Vision. Won't be easy, even for the two of us."

"Do you have a game plan?"

Clint laughed. "I always have a game plan!"

"Well then, let's hear it."


"A pinch of paprika. A pinch. How much is a pinch?"

Vision had been attempting to cook dinner for Wanda, but he had never done it before, so it was a little confusing.

"Is that paprikash?" Wanda sked as she walked in.

"I thought it might lift your spirits," Vision said. Ever since the events in Lagos and (Y/N)'s disappearance she hadn''t been her usual self.

She tasted it with a spoon. "Spirits lifted."

"In my defense, I've never actually eaten anything before, so-"

"Hey. It's fine."



"No one dislikes you."


"Oh, you're welcome. No, it's an involuntary response in their amygdala, they can't help but be afraid of you."

"Are you?"

"My amygdala is synthetic, so..."

She wanted to ask if (Y/N) was afraid of her, and if that's why he went missing. But she knew he wasn't, deep down. "I used to think of myself one way. But, after this. I am something else. And still me, I think. But that's not what everyone else sees."

"I don't know what this is, " Vision said as he pointed to the gem in his forehead. "Not really. I know it's not of this world. But it powered Loki's staff, gave you your abilities. But its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me."

"Are you afraid of it?"

"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day, who knows, I may even control it."

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