Chapter Twenty-Eight: Civil War Part Two

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"Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time."

Steve was dealing with both T'Challa and Rhodey, as T'Challa tried to make his way to where Bucky was. Rhodey was doing his best to keep from injuring his friend, but T'Challa made no effort to hold back as he leapt towards Steve and started swinging at him with his vibranium claws, inflicting multiple scratches on the shield.


Scott had moved in to take Natasha. "Look, I really don't want to hurt you."

She grabbed him by the arm and flipped him onto his back. "I wouldn't stress about it."


Spider-Man had caught up with Sam and Bucky, and was currently doing his best to 'web them up,' as Stark had ordered.

"You have a metal arm?" He said to Bucky. "That is so cool!" He webbed Bucky's right arm, sticking it to the railing. "You have the right to remain silent!"


"Sorry, Cap. This won't kill you, but it ain't gonna tickle, either," Rhodey said as he pulled a massive riot baton out of his suit and began swinging it at Steve. Steve easily cut it in half with his vibranium shield, and Rhodey tossed it aside, now uselsess.


"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings," Tony said as he caught up with Wanda and Clint.

"You locked me in my room."

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Hey, Clint," He said, greeting the archer.

"Hey, man."

"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you, get tired of shooting golf?"

"Well, I played 18, I shot 18. Just can't seem to miss," Clint said as he shot an arrow at Tony, who dodged it easily.

"First time for everything," Stark said.

"Made you look."

Tony turned around to see that Wanda was using her powers to pull cars out of the parking garage and throw them at him. Tony dodged the first few, but was eventually hit with a few.

"Multiple contusions detected," His AI, F.R.I.D.A.Y informed him.

"Yup, I detected that too."


(Y/N) and Batman had been throwing punches at one another. The gas prevented him from using his heat rays, and also brought his strength level down significantly, putting the dark knight almost on par with him.

"You say that you want to help people," Bruce was saying. "But you can't feel their pain, their mortality. It's time you learn what it's like to be a man."

He hit him with another grenade, weakening (Y/N) further. He fell to his knees, choking on the green fumes.

"Breathe it in," Bruce taunted him. "That's fear. I am your Kryptonite."

The Batman pulled out his grappling hook, snagging (Y/N)'s cape with it, and dragged him, then threw him into one of the airport's control towers, sending him flying through the wall and onto the ground. He tried to get up, but he couldn't.


"Are those wings carbon fiber?" Spider-Man asked as Sam continued to dodge his web attacks.

Finally, Spider-Man stuck one of Sam's arms to the railing. "Is this stuff coming out of you?" He asked Spider-Man.

"That would explain the rigidity flexibility ratio which, gotta say, that's awesome man!" he said, ignoring the question.

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