Chapter Ten: Flight

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It was the same voice (Y/N) had heard the night he first met Wanda. His name on Krypton. But was it just a nightmare? Or something more? (Y/N) couldn't tell.

He heard the voice and woke, breathing heavy, as he had the previous time. But he didn't sit up, Wanda still had her arms wrapped around him. He slowly lifted her arms off of him, and stood up. He kissed her forehead, causing her to smile in her sleep. He left the room and went outside the compound, breathing in the fresh night air.


He turned around to see Wanda behind him.

"Yeah. I was going to go take a flight, clear my head."

"Take a flight?" She repeated.

"I don't find walking peaceful enough anymore."

"How high up do you go?"

"I've gone into space, once before. Briefly."

"It must have been beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

Wanda smiled. He'd said the same thing on the night they first met. "Then show me."


"I can fly, too. I've just never been up very high. Show me what it's like up there."

She grabbed his hand and used her magic to levitate. He floated up slightly to meet her.

"Anything for you, my love," He said, then let go of her hand and rocketed into the sky. She used her magic to fly up to where he was, just beneath the clouds. She had never gone this far up before.

"If you fall, I'll catch you. I promise," he called from above. She continued to fly up until she was face to face with (Y/N). Her head touched the cloud above them. It didn't really feel like anything, but it was amazing nonetheless. (Y/N) flew into the cloud, and she followed, but she couldn't see him. She knew he was playing some sort of game, so she searched to find him in the thick, grey mass. She came out the other end and saw him, and, looking down, could see that their paths through it drew a heart shape. She looked at the compound below, the city in the distance. It really was beautiful.

(Y/N) stuck his hand out. "Do you want to see more?"

She took it, and he flew up, pulling her along with him. His immense speed made her gasp for a second, but after a while she felt nothing, like when someone was in a fast car.

They had been going up for almost a minute when (Y/N) let go of her hand and they stopped. Looking down, she could see the entire state of New York below her.

"Wow..." she was so caught up in the moment that she stopped using her powers to keep her afloat. She creamed as she fell, which wasn't for long, as (Y/N) grabbed her and carried her in his arms.

"I think that's enough for one night. Let's go home," he said. Wanda just nodded.

(Y/N) slowly descended until they reached the ground right outside the compound. (Y/N) kissed her, then put her down. It truly was amazing.

Wanda had started to go back inside when (Y/N) heard that damn voice again, this time as though it were calling him.



The ship flew through the abyss. It was by no means human, no, it was large and black, almost blending in with the space around it. Inside the ship were people who looked like humans at the controls, and one man standing in the center. But, though they looked like humans, they were not.

"Sir, we think we've found the location of the missing child," One of the pilots said. "Earth. yellow sun and lower gravity compared to Krypton."

The man turned around and eyed a holographic image of Earth.



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