Chapter Fifty-Four: Twins?

Start from the beginning

"Don't be silly. All I feel right now is happiness and- Oh!"

"Kicking? Already?" He said as he placed a hand on her belly. "Oh, wow!"

"It's odd. It feels kind of fluttery."

On a nearby wall, some butterfly shaped decorations turned into actual butterflies.

"Did I do that?" Wanda asked.

A butterfly landed on (Y/N)'s face. He let out a puff of air, causing it to launch off his face. Wanda opened a window so it could fly out.

"Well, if that was the first kick, that puts you at about six months!" (Y/N) said. "Oh boy, and I thought I was fast. I can't keep up. Please don't misinterpret. I can't wait to meet you, little Connor. Or Billy. I can't decide."



"Well, I was thinking Tommy. Just a nice, classic, all-American name."

"We'll talk about this later, when the baby arrives."

"Only one solution to this."

"That is?"

"Hope for a girl."

"We should decide soon. That thing will be here before you know it. I have no clue when, though."

"It's gonna be their third birthday before you figure that out," Wanda joked.

"Friday afternoon, methinks."

"Is that an estimate or just a random guess."

"Random guess."

"Hm. Maybe I should sit down."


"I think I'm doing alright," (Y/N) said. He had been practicing diaper changing on a doll while Wanda timed him.

"That was your best time yet."

(Y/N) raised a fist in the air. "Yesss!"

Wanda suddenly grabbed her belly. "Ooh!"

"What's happening?"

"Do any of those books talk about this? It doesn't hurt, but it is strange."

"Tightening sensation?"


"Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, usually start in the third trimester. Third trimester?"

"Don't start."

'This gives us a chance to work on breathing exercises!" (Y/N) said cheerfully, leading Wanda to the couch. He demonstrated for her, and they did the breathing for a moment.

"Not working," Wanda said. "Ow."

The lights suddenly began to flicker.

"What's happening?" Wanda asked.

"The what?" (Y/N) said. "I suggest we get out of the kitchen."

The numerous appliances in the house began to malfunction as though they were some sort of cheap knock-off. The lights began to glow extremely bright, causing (Y/N) and Wanda to take a defensive position, with (Y/N) floating above the ground slightly.

Suddenly, everything returned to normal.

"It stopped," Wanda said.

"Yes," (Y/N) agreed. "I will check on the neighbors."


(Y/N) came back in the house. "The whole block is out."

"Oh, and that was just a fake contraction," Wanda said. "Who knows what will happen when the real thing starts?" She proceeded to take a seat on the couch. "Do you think they know it's my fault?"

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