Get back down

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"It's time." Ashton said.

I sighed and hopped out of his car. I stared at the house hoping that Luke would text me back, I texted him telling him that I was heading to my moms but he hasn't replied.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded and picked my bag off the ground and walked towards the door.

"Are you going to stay?" I asked and Ashton shook his head.

"I have somethings to do."

"Okay, well I'll catch you later."

He waved goodbye before hopping into his car and driving off. Before stepping inside I checked my phone, still no sign of Luke...

Luke's P.O.V

"So Luke, whats the update on Bella." Kate said, batting her eyelashes.

"Well, I got her. We are dating." I smirked.

I feel terrible, I can't keep doing this. As much as I want Bella to be safe, I want to take care of Kate right now. But I held myself back. Kate smirked and kissed me on my cheek.

"Fantastic." She said clapping her hands.

"What are you planning on doing?" I asked.

She looked at me and leaned against the wall. "Why would I tell you?"

"Because, if I know... I could be able to help better. I just need more information."

She nodded slightly.

"All you need to know is that Bella will be out of here sooner or later."

"That wasn't much."

"I know." She smiled.

"Are you going to give me anything else?"

"Next week."

"Why next week?"

"Because thats when I'm taking action."

My fists clenched. There is no way Kate is going to get away with all of this.

Back to Bella's P.O.V

As I stepped inside a blast of cold air hit me, making me shiver. The house was dark and uninviting. I turned back, hoping that Ashton was still there. But he was gone. I checked my phone again but it was still empty.

Right now, the only thing going through my head was how could Luke leave me like that. He knew that today was the day I was going back home...

"Arabelle." My mom said icily.

I got a lump in my throat and quickly turned around. There stood my mom, staring at me.

"Took you long enough."

"Well, you should have known that I would never have came back if it wasn't the law."

She stared at me still, glaring.

"I'm guessing that you would love to know that your father died." She spat. Smirking in the process.

My heart dropped. "Your lying." I said.

She shook her head, the smirk plastered on her face. My blood started to boil and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You killed him." I yelled.

"Well, if I didn't he would have gone to the police and I don't want to live in jail my love."

"You belong there."

"You'll be next if you don't shut up."

I knew that I shouldn't say anything else, but I didn't listen to myself.

"You'll kill me anyway."

She laughed and walked up to me.

"You know me so well." She said slapping my face.

I gasped and clutched my face. Suddenly she grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me over making me fall to the ground. As I was about to get off the ground I watched as my mom pulled out something black. I was confused at first and then I realised, she had a gun.

I felt tears coming again. This was it. Nothing is a fairy tale and for sure nothing ends in a happy ending. My phone started ringing, and my mom lowered the gun and walked over to my phone that was lying on the couch. I took this opportunity to get away.

I got off the ground as fast as I could and I ran over to my mom, tackling her. My first instinct was to grab the gun, so I did. She had a tight grip on the item but I yanked it out of her hand. When I had it, I stood up steeping back with the gun aiming at my mom.

"Go on, shoot." She said.

By now I was shaking and she was smirking. I watched as she started to stand up and I shook my head.

"Get back down." I yelled.

She ignored me and continued.

"I said get back down." And before I knew it, I pulled the trigger.

My mom fell to the floor. "Are you psycho?" She screamed.

I dropped the gun and put my hand up to my mouth. I looked at her and she was holding onto her inner thigh. Blood was covering her hands. Tears started to fall again. I quickly picked the gun up again and my phone and ran out of the house as fast as I could.


Good chapter? I don't even know. I hope its alright. I am very tired and it isn't even night. I want to sleep so bad so I might after posting this :) OMG AND THANK YOU FOR 205 FAVOURITES LIKE WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!?! I AM SO THANKFUL :* It may not seem like a lot but it is a lot to me :) I apologise that the chapter maybe boring or stupid, I real y didn't know what to write haha. I will hopefully update soon :) xoxoxoxox


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