Chapter 15 - Mood swings

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Warning: A little violence.

-Ah, the game's over. -Charly dropped the knife box, and grabbed a water bottle that was on the floor. -Boring. - They went to another room, but Venom stayed there. He was sweating, and breathing heavily. He was staring at Kirishima, who was unconscious, with his head down, dripping with blood. He had cuts, big, and small, on his cheeks, chest, arms, and legs. He had bruises all over his body, and probably a couple broken bones.

Venom kept looking at him. The more he looked, the more anxious he got. It was one of those moments when he saw everything different, with other eyes. With Izuku Midoriya's eyes. His breathing got heavier, as he saw his old friend twitch in his sleep. His hands went up his hair, and started pulling on it. He switched between laughs and sobs in a matter of seconds. One moment he was chuckling, and the other he was whimpering in fear.

-What have I've done? What am I doing? -He stayed there for a second, with his hands in his hair, as his tears dropped silently. He suddenly flinched when he heard loud explosions from the garage door. His eyes opened wide. He took a deep breath, and turned around, and smiled at the person in front of him.


:0 my oh my, shit's about to go down.

Sorry the last two chapters have been kinda short, I think next will be much longer. Thanks for reading!

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