Chapter 2 - Even back then

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Back in highschool

Even back then he hated him. He was just putting up with him, every time he called him "Deku". He felt like he was about to snap any moment. Eventually, he did. But for now, he was just another highschool student.

Class was about to start. Izuku was standing in the door, talking to Uraraka. He knew she liked him. Especially because of how many times he repeated his "name". Every time she called him "Deku" his eyes twitched. At the beginning, he appreciated that she changed the meaning. But still, he hated that name, and hated her for calling him that.

Izuku wasn't listening to Uraraka, he was looking behind her, where Shoto was sitting quietly, waiting for class to begin. He looked back at Uraraka asking himself "Does she even know I like a boy, and not her?". Izuku's thoughts were interrupted, when he was pushed from behind, making him stumble.

-Move out of the way extra. -Izuku looked at Bakugou expressionless, but his gaze kept following him until he sat down in his seat, Bakugou noticed, and spoke. -What the hell are you looking at, Deku? -His anger only grew. Little did he know that while he was staring at him, a voice in his head was telling him all the ways he could make Bakugou suffer. But he just shook it off, when Aizawa announced the beginning of the class, and Izuku walked to his seat.

-Alright, so today we're gonna go to the USJ to practice. -Aizawa spoke lazily. Immediately, the class started to hype up. They all loved the idea of training there. -Quiet, we won't exactly be training. Listen up. There's gonna be 4 people missing. Those four people are not among you, we picked up volunteers from other classrooms and grades, so all of you could participate. -The class kept quiet, as Aizawa wrote down the instructions on the blackboard. -Your job is to find those four, and save them in a span of 30 minutes. But you also have one more job. Find the villain. -Everyone started whispering excitedly. -I will randomly choose one of you to be the traitor. The villain has to avoid that their classmates get to their objective. The villain can decide if they want to blend in with their classmates, or come out as the impostor. Are we clear? -All of the students answered "Yes sir!" at the same time. -Good, also, one more thing. Recovery girl is gonna kill me for saying this, but don't contain yourselves, do everything in your power to win. -There was a moment of silence, and Aizawa spoke again. -By the way, the four victims are the big three, and Shinzou.

Izuku and his classmates were waiting in the halway. Every minute, or so, Aizawa came out of the classroom, and called the next one. He was telling him their role. But Izuku was almost at the end of the line, and he was getting bored, so he decided to talk to Shoto, who was right beside him.

-Todoroki-kun. -Shoto turned to look at him, which made Izuku's stomach turn. -Would you like to get lunch together today? -Shoto looked slightly surprised, but then nodded quietly. -Cool, let's meet at the next break at the back of the school, where that single cherry blossom tree is. -Shoto nodded once again, and Deku turned around when Aizawa called him. He entered the classroom, passing next to Bakugou, who was just coming out of the classroom. Something in Izuku's head told him that, if he wanted to, he could easily snap his neck right there. But he just ignored that thought, and entered the room, where Aizawa was holding out a bucket full of papers to him. Izuku put his hand in, and grabbed a little paper. He looked at it, and saw it was marked with a red X. Izuku looked up at Aizawa.

-X. What does that mean? -He asked. Aizawa looked at him for a second before answering.

-Congratulations Midoriya, you're the villain. -Izuku didn't show signs of excitement or disappointment in his face, he simply returned the piece of paper, and turned around to leave the classroom.

He had to admit, he was kind of glad to be the villain. He has been wanting to be a hero ever since he was born, so this little change relaxed Izuku a bit.

Yaaaaay!!! As you can see, I changed Deku's name to Izuku. Every time I switch time and space, I'm gonna be switching Deku's name, I hope it not too confusing. 

Chapter 3 is already up! Thanks for reading everyone!

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