Chapter 1 - Green Venom

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It was cold and empty. Green Venom waited in the middle of the room, in a leather armchair, sitting with his legs crossed. The chair creaked and squealed as he rocked himself back and forth, to a song that echoed through the empty building.

-UA, UA, my hero school. UA, UA, cover it in fuel. Grab a little match, make the fire catch, watch it burn down... Watch it burn down... Watch your friends cry, watch your teachers die... Oh, burn down all the school, even the arena. Yes, it's my hero academia...

Venom's song was interrupted by the loud noise of the old creaky door opening, revealing a silhouette. The person stepped into the dim light. In excitement, Venom got up from his chair, and walked slowly towards his visitor.

-Todoroki-kun- said Venom with a tender smile. -I knew people were coming... I didn't think you'd come alone... You are alone, right? -Venom gave him a wide, psychotic smile, and his green eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Shoto nodded.

-It's just the two of us. -He said in his deep and low voice, Venom could hear sadness because of his mumbling, so he gently placed his hand in Shoto's cheek, gently rubbing his scar. That gave Shoto flashbacks to when he used to do that in school. -Midoriya... Please, I'm begging you to come back.- To this, Venom's smile faded away.

-Hey Todoroki-kun. What did you just call me?- He lowered his hand, causing Shoto to give him a worried look. -I knew it... You think I'd really go back to that hell hole?! That shitty life?! -Venom started screaming and walking around the room, making Shoto worry. He tried to grab Venom's hand, but he slapped it away.

-Midoriya, please, you wanted to be a hero, remember? -Shoto kept trying to convince him, but Venom just scoffed, and pointed at him.

-Don't you call me that... That's my fucking father's name, not mine. I'm Green Venom now, and if you don't want to call me that, at least call me by my name -Venom walked back, and sat down in his armchair. There was a pause, before he spoke again -I wanted to be a hero before I met All Might. I wanted to be a hero before Kacchan treated me like a useless piece of shit. I wanted to be a hero before, when all I could do, was forgive. But not anymore.

Venom stood up suddenly, and spoke once again. -Why are you even here? -Shoto gulped, and narrowed his eyes. -There are more out there... Aren't there?- There was a silence. Should Shoto tell him the truth? That there were around 20 pro heroes waiting for him? -AREN'T THERE?! -There was another long silence. Shoto really wanted to cry, he was holding back his tears, causing a knot on his throat. Suddenly, Venom started to chuckle. -Kacchan's out there, isn't he?- He started to crack up. -OF COURSE! ONE OF THE BEST HEROES NOW A DAYS, RIGHT?! HE'S GOT TO BE THERE... I need to go outside. -Venom started to walk to the door, but Shoto grabbed his arm.

-Wait. -Venom looked at him for a moment, and then his eyes brightened.

-Join me. -Shoto looked up to him with confusion. -Come on, you hate Kacchan too, we should kill him! -Venom's voice was shaking from excitement. -And maybe, depending how you feel, we could be villains together! Yes! It's the perfect plan! Todoroki-kun, you and I could rule the world with our quirks. -Shoto simply looked at him with an uncertain emotion in his face.

-Come on... It could be like we were back in high school. -Venom grabbed Shoto's hand, and went up his arm, while his other hand rested on his chest. Shoto couldn't help but to grab Venom by his waist, causing him to smirk, and come closer to him, their lips were about to touch, when Venom felt cold in his left arm, where Shoto was gripping him tightly with his right arm, freezing him, but just a little bit, almost as if he couldn't do it. Venom showed him a sad smile, that carried disappointment, and quickly turned around and positioned his right middle finger behind this thumb, and gained force, as he slowly mumbled between chuckles.

-Smash... -A rough wind pushed from the tip of Venom's middle finger, as he released it, and the wall in front of him broke, almost exploded, revealing exactly what Venom was expecting.

The first person he saw in the very center was All might. His skinny arms were crossed in front of his chest, and he was looking at Venom with a serious look, almost full of hatred, but with sadness at the same time. Next to him was Aizawa, and around them, were almost all his classmates from high school: Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Momo, Shinzou, Mina, Jiro, and of course... Bakugou. They all had the same look on his eyes, hatred, sadness, anger, the list went on.

Venom started laughing like the maniac he is now. -Why are you all staring at me like that?! -Tears dropped down from Venom's eyes. It's as if he had multiple personalities, and Izuku Midoriya was showing this very instant. This caused Shoto to also tear up. But it only took a few seconds for Venom to come back, when he saw All Might. -You?! What the fuck are you doing here?! -He started to laugh even louder. -YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE YOUR POWER ANYMORE, WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE, YOU MOTHER FUCKER?! YOU LOST YOUR POWER! He repeated it again and again, as if reminding him of his failure. -YOU LOST YOUR POWER, ALL BECAUSE OF HI–

Venom suddenly stopped laughing, but kept his wide smile, as he turned to look at Bakugou, and got closer to him, with little chuckles. -K-kacchan... -He started to giggle more and more. Bakugou just looked at him with a blank expression. - WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT?! SAY SOMETHING GODDAMMIT! -Venom's smile faded, now there was only pure anger. -Come on Kacchan, for years you've been talking and screaming excessively and now you're quiet? It's starting to make me mad. -Bakugou kept quiet, which caused Venom to quickly hold his fist back, ready to attack Bakugou at any moment, forgetting about his surroundings. That's when he suddenly felt weak. He put his arm down lazily. He turned to look at Aizawa, who now had his hair floating back down, and his eyes red, looking straight at him. Venom gave heavy and tired steps towards Aizawa.

-Oi sensei, I thought you were the one to tell us not to get into anyone else's business. -Venom kept looking at his past teacher, and observing how his eyes got red and teary... His power was about to wear off. Venom turned around on one foot, and headed back to the building with his hands in the pockets of his suit, where Shoto was standing. -Ah, you ruin all the fun guys. I'll be going now, but don't worry, I'll come back, I couldn't just forget about my old classmates, could I? -Venom chuckled a bit with excitement. -Well, until next time...

Iida sprinted towards Venom, reaching his hand out to grab him. -You're not going anywhere Midoriya! -But Iida was sent the other direction, by a simple punch of Venom. Iida hit a wall, and fell onto the floor, unconscious.

-Sensei, you gotta dry up those eyes more. -Said Venom to Aizawa, who was rubbing his eyes. The effect of his quirk was gone, because of Aizawa's blinking, and Venom got his power back.

Venom crouched before activating "One for all", and jumped between the buildings, his laugh getting farther, as he disappeared into the darkness, leaving the pro heroes alone.

Wow, thats was a ride! I hope you liked that guys! it's my first time publishing, so feel free to give constructive criticism, I'm all for that >:D. Anyway, I'll try to update as fast as possible, and I'll also be jumping in time, but don't worry, I'll let you know!

Thank you so much for readiiiiing!!!!!

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