"They're at the bar near the school, 851 Amile street. I can also help bring some of them home too, it was just that I didn't have their addresses."

"Thank you sir. I'll get there soon."

The words flew out of my mouth before I could think much. It was a bit stupid on my end because all I had was a nice motorcycle my parents left me. I didn't own a car, so how in the world would I be able to drive all of them home. Hoping that the professor had one, I glazed at the clock glowing a bright 10 and sighed. Then I grabbed my motorcycle helmet and closed the old apartment door.

"Zaiden! You're here!" I walked over to the bar only to suddenly see the professor helping the two of my unconscious friends try and stand. Running over, I help him get Randel and Mark into the car.

"Sorry sir. I got here a bit late."

Laughing, he said, "Although I am the assistant professor you don't have to call me sir and I'm not that much older than you. At most it's only 5 years. Just call me Chance. Well if anything I should probably be thanking you for coming here."

After dragging Jasper and William into the SUV, I closed the door and grabbed my motorcycle helmet.

"Can you wait a bit for me to get my motorcycle? I can guide you to their homes."

"Okay, I'll get the car set." He replied, giving me a thumbs up.

Feeling the wind on my arms as I rode the bike down the highway, I suddenly remembered what time it was. It was probably close to 11 by now and getting William, Randel and Mark home wouldn't be a  problem. It was just Jasper who had a bit of a complicated situation. I was just helping him with homework at his parents' house and now he somehow ended up drunk. I was tempted to sigh but I held it in because it would most likely fog up my helmet. After focusing on the road, I arrived at my apartment building at last.

I took off my helmet and sent a text to Jasper's parents when I heard the car door close behind me. Looking up, I saw Chance staring at the apartment building in confusion. I followed his gaze and immediately remembered my suggestion for Jasper to find a room here. Though it was cheap, it was far from school and very worn down. It normally looked bad but from this angle it almost qualified as an abandoned building.

I was wondering in my head whether this really was the building I recommended to Jasper.

"You live here?"

"Yea. My bike may be an actual city model which I think you've noticed, but I'm running a bit low on funds."

"You could easily get the money that you need with your talent though. The DGHO training programs."

Pursing my lips, I kept silent. Luckily, Chance didn't push on but rather said something unexpected.

"Well who am I to tell you that when I did the same thing."

I glanced at him, eyebrow raised. Giving into my curiosity I asked,

"What do you mean you did the same thing?"

He stared straight into my eye and replied,

"I'd rather pick up a job here than work under Health Organization's restrictions. I apologize if I'm being presumptuous but I'm thinking it might be the same for you?"


I wasn't really in the mood to comment and possibly end up dredging up more memories from the past so I walked over and put Jasper's arm over my shoulder.

"Thanks anyways Chance."

"See you next week, have a wonderful weekend."

"You too."

Getting Jasper to my apartment wasn't much of a big deal because I live on the first floor, but it still caused me to feel a bit sticky with all the sweat clinging to me. After settling him down, I quickly went to my bedroom and shower to get changed into some comfortable clothing.

Jasper was just lying on my couch, still calm and asleep when I came back. Not thinking much, I turned on my desktop again and checked my emails. But there was still nothing. At that moment, I didn't notice how my mood suddenly turned sour. Though it was strange, I tried not to give it much thought and decided to go to bed. It was getting late.

I walked over to the door leisurely and quietly, the faint city sounds echoing in the background. It was quiet, save for the slight beeping of the computer monitor, Jasper's light snoring and the rustling sounds of the wind outside. The living room was quite dark, with only the desk light turned on by the window, but it was easy to get to the door because I knew the place like the back of my hand. But just as everything was calm and still, I heard the sound of glass shattering and faint cries. Tracing the sound I realized it was coming from just upstairs. 

I shook my head, wondering if it was just an illusion. I checked my locked door and returned to my bedroom, yawning and flopping onto the bed. It was about 5 minutes later when I heard the sobbing again. Worried and curious, I quickly got to the elevator and went up to the second floor. It was pretty much midnight right now and so no one nearby must have heard the sobbing, but I was certain that this wasn't an illusion or dream as the sound became more evident when I approached the door.

I lifted my hand, hesitating a bit before knocking softly on the door.

I leaned back, waiting for someone to come open it and stared at my shoelaces. The moonlight outside the dusty window faintly shone onto my old sneakers, showing the dusty stains on my white laces. The hallway was pretty much silent and devoid of any voices, but outside the window, the faint sound of wind whistled by.

The door slowly creaked open, hesitating a bit before fully opening.

I stared into the clear green eyes of Everly Lynds, a classmate from my lectures. The girl who always sat at the front of the hall, alone. I don't really remember much about her aside from her name and beautiful green eyes. It was rare to see such a beautiful colour in this dull and plain world, but she would always look down, so I've never seen the details up close... until right now. We were so close our noses were almost touching, but neither of us moved. Her thick and wet eyelashes fluttered softly as I stared at her red and slightly puffy eyes.

Finally remembering what I came here for I turned to the side and cleared my throat.


'Crap what do I say...'

"Zaiden? Why are you looking for me?"

I felt my cheeks fuming a bit as I tried my best not to stutter.

"I thought I just heard some strange sounds upstairs. So I came up to check, I never imagined it was you."

"Strange sounds?"

She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit, pulling up her sweater to her neck and crossing her arms. She leaned against the doorframe, silently urging me to continue explaining.

"I just thought I heard some glass shattering and some crying."

"Oh. I don't know what you're talking about."

She replied affirmatively.

"Well, I think you must be imagining it, Zaiden. This building is a bit old and it is built on a hill so it was probably just the wind or something. Just go to bed Zaiden, it's getting late. I'll be going in now.

She smiled and closed the door softly.

I stood there, not sure what to think. 

In any case, she was right, it is getting a bit late and I was getting a bit tired. Not really thinking much, I walked back to the elevator, not noticing the shard of glass by the door and the faint relief in Everly's eyes when she saw me. 

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