Chapter 111

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Pavilion Master Ding was supported by his subordinates, while the dagger remained pierced into his back.

The people of “Moon’s Shadow” didn’t dare to retreat as they pleased and so could only hit his acupoint to staunch the flow of blood.

But it was a futile effort, because Pavilion Master Ding quickly noticed that his injury was growing numb and that this numbness was even slowly spreading out to his limbs; the dagger had clearly been poisoned — in front of outsiders, and in an unprecedented move, Wei Jin had performed two despicable deeds back-to-back, and all of it ended up being against him.

He pulled open the capsule in his mouth, swallowing down the antidote that Cong Yu had specially created. Using all his strength, he barely managed to control his killing intent and asked, “What did you do to Xilai?”

Wei Jin said, “What do you think? Since I’ve been educated by you for this many years, if I don’t properly pay him back for the honor, how could I ever be worthy of you?”

Pavilion Master Ding’s face immediately tightened.

He pressed down bloody tang that bubbled up from his throat and slowly said, “Who told you that you were a child of the Jiang family? If I truly murdered the people of the Jiang family, and you truly are a child of the Jiang family, why would I leave you behind?” He looked around. “If it was all of you, would you do so?”

The adventurers fiercely shook their heads, feeling that it was too inconceivable.

Meanwhile, ever since they finished listening to Wei Jin, the elders had been thinking about this exact same question.

When getting rid of weeds, one must pull them up by the roots, or else they’ll return with the spring breeze.

This kind of reasoning was one everyone understood, and that’s not even mentioning the grudge that would’ve been created from the massacre of an entire family. If Pavilion Master Ding was truly filled with evil, then no matter what, there was no way that he’d leave behind that family’s child. And that person was even in the position of the Captain of “Moon’s Shadow”. Wouldn’t this be entirely like he was creating trouble for himself?

If one thought of it like this, the possibility seemed even greater that Wei Jin was tricked.

Everyone couldn’t help but look towards a certain person over there.

Under everyone’s gazes, Ye You unhurriedly moved forward a step before amiably asking Pavilion Master Ding, “Are you trying to say that I drugged him and tampered with his memories?”

“It’s not impossible,” Pavilion Master Ding said with a cold face, “What’s more, if it truly was me who drugged him, would I not be worried that he’d one day undo the drug’s effects?”

Ye You said, “Isn’t it precisely because you weren’t worried that you drugged him?”

At once, the surroundings erupted into a fuss, with the adventurers whispering in each other’s ears, not understanding what was happening.

Sect Leader Xuanyang said, “Sir Xiao, what is your meaning?”

“Why exactly did he leave a survivor behind, me and Wei Jin have also been wondering about this for the past few years.” Ye You looked at the people of “Moon’s Shadow”. “Wei Jin once told me that, from the training barracks up to being chosen to enter “Moon’s Shadow”, over the course of the entire process, the value that’s been instilled in all of you the most was to be just and fair. Since there were too many strange people and incomprehensible occurrences in Jianghu, and even more drugs that could lead people’s hearts astray, a moment of inattention could then lead one to take even a brother as an enemy. Thus, whenever you encountered anything, you must first have evidence, and only once you’re certain should you make a move; hasty actions must not be taken. Isn’t that right?”

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