Chapter 44

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The scarred man was practically sitting on pins and needles.

He carefully listened for movements in the carriage. In the end, he was again unable to endure it and pulled open a small slit so he could secretly sneak a peek inside. He discovered that Young Master Xiao’s hand seemed to be inside the other person’s clothes, and he was immediately shocked. Inwardly, he wondered if Young Master Xiao wasn’t thinking that Fuping would immediately be locked up upon reaching Shaolin and so wanted to take some advantage now, right?

It couldn’t be, right?

Was Young Master Xiao this kind of person? Or did he lose all rationality because of his feelings?

He again looked over a few more times and saw those two people sitting together very closely, giving off the feeling that they had a very close relationship. From the corners of his eyes, he saw the person driving the carriage next to them looking at him, so he put down the curtains and sat back, stupefied. His heart was feeling particularly aggrieved.

After this many years, their Sect Master was finally able to find someone he liked, but who could’ve known it was a case of one-sided love[1]. Even if the other person no longer liked this entertainer after regaining his memories, he still had an intimate friend by the name of Lady Tao. What could their Sect Master possibly do… Wait, if one was speaking of the similarities between Fuping and Lady Tao, then they were both skilled at playing the qin. Could it be that Sect Master Ye liked those who could play the qin?

He suddenly felt as if he had discovered a sliver of truth and decided to tell the Sect Master to learn how to play the qin when he returned.

At this time, Ye You had already pulled out a command token[2] and a jade pendant from Fuping’s person. He gave them a simple glance before returning the token and keeping the jade pendant.

Fuping’s heart sunk slightly.

He occupied a high position and had already long considered the possibility of being captured. Thus, he purposely made a command token to carry around, using it as a means to communicate the news that he was in danger. Because the usual person, upon seeing these two things, would always think the command token was more useful and wouldn’t pay attention to an ordinary jade pendant. As such, if he had truly been captured and the assailant took the command token to find his people, the latter would know that he was in trouble and wouldn’t easily fall for any tricks.

But this person actually directly chose the jade pendant. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence.

He unconsciously asked, “You’ve placed a person into our ranks? No, that can’t be…”

Without waiting for this person to answer, he went ahead and refuted himself, saying, “That can’t be, or else you would’ve long come to visit me at my place… You must have captured one of ours before, and managed to get some information out of him?”

Ye You placed him back and helped him tidy up his clothes very simply. “Oh?”

Fuping asked, “Last time, we found that someone was following Li Hua. Was it your man?”

Ye You asked, all smiles, “Is it, or is it not?”

“I’ll just take him to be your man,” Fuping said.

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