Chapter 101

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Although Manor Lord Wei had already left, “Heaven’s Firmament” was still at the fort.

When they learned about the matter with Manor Lord Wei, all of them found it inconceivable, standing there at a loss, feeling an onslaught of pain at their colleagues’ deaths mixed with the feeling of an unexpected betrayal and anxiety over an uncertain, unknown future.

Within Jianghu, the statuses of “Heaven’s Firmament” and “Moon’s Shadow” were the same.

Fengxian Manor and Lingjian Pavilion. These two great powers had mutually kept one another in check for these twenty to thirty years, practically splitting the righteous faction in two. Many adventurers were used to standing on a certain side, and when they occasionally discussed matters together, they were also used to separating people into those close to them and those distant. And while the neutral faction headed by the Alliance Leader was the weakest, in recent years, this was slowly starting to change.

As the elites among elites for the two great powers, “Heaven’s Firmament” and “Moon’s Shadow” naturally ended up experiencing the bulk of the attention, such that even the Captains’ positions outside were about equivalent to some mid-ranking sect masters’. As such, there were many adventurers who wanted to sharpen their minds in order to join even though they were from influential families.

Other than receiving others’ admiration and envy, the more important thing was that, any time a major event happened in Jianghu, “Heaven’s Firmament” and “Moon’s Shadow” would forever be at the forefront of it, akin to gods of war, maintaining the peace of Jianghu.

To uphold virtue and condemn evil, to preserve justice and righteousness, with both fame and fortune and a crowd of brothers who’d live and die together, and maybe even the opportunity to get to know some beautiful women. Even if they wished for a lifetime, the typical adventurers weren’t able to live like that.

So as time passed, this also became a sort of conviction.

But now this conviction of “Heaven’s Firmament” was about to become a joke.

With reddened eyes, no matter what, they weren’t willing to believe that this was true. A small portion of them even wanted to turn around and leave, but at this time, the Captain spoke, “Since the day I entered ‘Heaven’s Firmament’, I became a man of Fengxian Manor for life.”

The squad members looked at him. “Captain…”

“Even if there are problems with the Manor Lord, Fengxian Manor still exists, and ‘Heaven’s Firmament’ also still exists.” The Captain said in a heavy voice, “What’s more, it’s not even the final moment yet, so we can’t make any hasty judgments. We still need to investigate clearly these complex rights and wrongs. When did the people of ‘Heaven’s Firmament’ stop having even this bit of courage?”

The squad members’ spirits shook, and they called out as one, “That’s right!”

With these words, they then decided to stay behind.

Over these years, Fengxian Manor and Lingjian Pavilion have never gotten along, and they found Pavilion Master Ding extremely displeasing to the eye, while Wenren Heng and Sir Xiao’s relationship with their Manor Lord was too complicated, so they wouldn’t do either. In the end, the Captain finally went to find Abbot Ciyuan and Sect Leader Xuanyang to tell the two that they wanted to continue following everyone. Although the Manor Lord wasn’t around, Fengxian Manor was still here.

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