•.¸♡ 2 ♡¸.•✔

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Jungkook kept him close and struggled to open his eyes but he had to cuz he wanted to make sure jin was good. jungkook was so tired and was up due to heavy consumption of coffee and 3 years of experience working in the main department.

Jin bleed a lot and he got more worried when they had to inject blood. Despite of being a doctor his heart sped a lot.he placed jin on bed and tugged him on bed . he couldn't hold himself to give him a kiss.

He rushed out to the other department to get jin reports

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He rushed out to the other department to get jin reports. he sighed in relief when he saw it wasn't that much damage . Then he went to the people who took him to the hospital. He got all the information about jin and got to know his parents are not in the country and so the professors can't contact them. He made them assured that he will inform them. He went to pay all the bills.

It was not necessary but he felt jin his own . he paid and ordered for all food for the next day. His one friend told them jin is totally spoiled and he smiled.
'i would love to make you more spoil'

He sat on the chair and caressed his hand. Jin opened his eyes slowly and smiled and closed them again. He did for quite some time jungkook chuckled and waited until the blood was done. He waited a few minutes to make sure jin doesn't have any effect.
He yawned and lay with jin. He pulled him close and carefully wrapped his legs around jin body.
He loved this. He never felt this but he wanted this to last longer.
'what have you done to me?' he mumbled and kissed jin head and soon after the tiredness engulfed him.


Jungkook opened his eyes to see jin calling him in soft voice.

"yes baby?"

he smiled at jin and caressed his cheeks. Jin smiled while a deep red shade crept on his face.

"a n-nurse came and said to me  that the food your boyfriend ordered has come so wanted to  to w-wake you up.."

"hmm.. "

Jin mind was getting wild .First finding himself wrapped in jungkook arms and legs . second the nurse called jungkook his boyfriend. the third jungkook humming and more he was so close.



jin breath hitched when jungkook hummed and leaned closer. And stared deep into his eyes holding him between his arms.

"s-s-so close-"

"want me more? Or go?"

jungkook asked lowly holding his petite waist.


jungkook smiled and leaned closer. jin closed his eyes .Jungkook joined both their foreheads and looked into his eyes.

"your doctor has a  shift so he has to go. Let's eat. And do you want help in getting to the bathroom?"

Jin pouted but nodded.

"I bought you some dresses as you have to stay here for some days until your parents come back"

jin just nodded he was feeling sad he would be alone when jungkook go to his shift. They did their breakfast and jinkook got to know so much about each other jin kept giggling and telling about himself making jungkook giggle and laugh but it stopped when jin started jumping when he was telling something funny.


Jin froze when he heard a loud voice. Jungkook didn't waste a second and placed jin on his lap . and started feeding him. Jin got sad when he realized his mistake.

"umm soorry docie"


"you mad at mee?"

jin eyes started to water and he held his head down. seeing this jungkook cupped his chin to make him look up making eye contact.

"hey baby. I am not mad okay?"

jin nodded and hugged jungkook. He also hugged him back but broke when a nurse came into view.

"umm need to change the bandage and check his vitals doctor. Jungkook."

"umm no need I-"

"no my docie will do that you go!"

jin said cutting jungkook but nonetheless he nodded and the nurse walked away.

Jungkook placed him on the bed and started checking and changing his bandage, when he was done he stood up and walked to the washroom to wash his hands. He stood in front of jin who was staring at him pouting.

"she is nurse she wouldn't hurt you."

jungkook spoke softly but jin hugged his waist.

"why does someone else have to do it when I have you my docie?"

words 756

His Doctor[jinkook] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin