💉Himiko Toga💉 Catch Up Part 2/3

Start from the beginning


💉 She's all over you all the time
💉 At first it annoyed you but now you just pretend that it does
💉 She'll sit in your lap or snuggle into your side while forcing your arm around her
💉 She'll use her Quirk so she won't need to worry about being spotted when you go out in public
💉 You have an arm around her or the other way around
💉 It doesn't matter to her since she just wants you close


You were being difficult. A part of you was forcing you away from her, another wanted to be as close to her as she was to you, and another was grossed out by the whole romance thing. You're brain was like a bag of cats had gotten loose and Himiko was prying. She wanted to know what was going on since she knew there was something you weren't telling her. There was actually a lot you weren't telling her. One voice kept saying that she'd be like everyone else, act like she likes you until she gets what she wants and then drop you. Another was fighting with you and that voice and saying that that wasn't what was happening. You didn't know what to think so when the two of you got in an argument and Himiko asked what you wanted you just snapped. "I don't know what I want, okay?!" you yelled. Himiko jumped back from surprise. "It's just..." you motioned around your head but then gave up and threw your arms in the air with a groan. "Let me help you." Himiko tried to touch you but you slapped her hand away. "You think I don't know that trick?" Your voice now had venom laced in it that no one had ever heard, not even you. "Wh-What?" Himiko asked. "You sit here, pretending to care, but it's only a matter of time before you leave us!" Himiko's brows furrowed with confusion. Who's us? "Out," you ordered. She hummed. She must've heard you wrong. "Get out." "Kitty-" "You know what? Since you won't I will." You turned and walked out of the room, leaving a confused and hurt Himiko.

How They Are

She's confused and brokenhearted. She doesn't understand why you acted how you did. She's also not used to being on the receiving end of your anger so she was a little freaked out.

How You Are

You're angry at yourself and just as confused as she is. You're also pretty terrified because you barely knew what happened. It was like you blacked out and woke up after. That had never happened around another person or in that kind of situation so it it scared you. You also never really realized when something like that happened so it was like you were experiencing it for the first time.

Making up

Himiko was worried about you. It had been a while since you were at the base and she just wanted to be sure you were okay. She couldn't go to the dorms but she did know that you would visit your parents sometimes so that's where she was heading. Your house was in sight and she stopped. What if you were still mad at her? What if you still needed your space? Just then you came barreling out of your house. Your rushing caused you to trip and you tumbled down the stairs. "Get out, you freak!" Himiko heard a male voice shout. You ducked to avoid the glass bottle that flew towards your head. "We should've left you on the streets!" This time the voice Himiko heard was female. "I'm surprised you were sober enough to remember where you left me!" you screamed back. The door slammed and you got off the ground and limped down the street. Himiko looked between your house and you before following. You ducked into the nearest alley and she froze at the entrance when she saw you. You were pacing like a trapped animal and talking to yourself. "You're ruining everything." 'It's not me.' "Well it sure as hell isn't me!" "(Y/N)?" You spun around to face Himiko. "Are you okay?" She took a step forward and you panicked. Your pupils were slits, your ears twitched with every step she took, and the tip of your tail curved slightly. When she got too close for your liking you turned into a cat and bolted but Himiko grabbed the scruff of your neck to lift you up before you could get too far. "Will you run if I put you down or will you talk to me?" You lightly bat her nose. "Does that mean you'll run?" You only blinked in response. Himiko held you like a baby and, even as a cat, she could tell that you were giving her the weird look. "You can trust me," she mumbled. "I would never hurt you." She slowly sat on the ground. "Talk to me." You slowly turned back to a human so now you were sitting in her lap with her arms still around you. "I'm sorry," you whispered. "I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I really don't know what happened." Himiko shook her head. "I don't care about that. I just want to know you're okay."

Sports Festival

Obstacle Course Race: You were just a cat the entire time and got first place. When Todoroki froze the robots you were quick to follow him. You two were tied until you got to the land mines. You were able to get ahead of him pretty quickly since it was easier for you to avoid them. All Midoriya needed was to take another half a step and he would've beaten you.

Cavalry Battle: You replaced Denki and were the rider for Todoroki's team. It was easy for you to snag more headbands and even easier for you to avoid the hands of other riders as they tried to take the headband. You were still in first place once it was over.

Battle 1: Shiozaki tried to trap you with her vines but you easily cut through. It was easy for you to avoid the vines when she tried to capture you with them again. You took quick swipes at her and she was forced back and out of bounds.

Battle 2: Iida tried to grab you and push you out of bounds. You turned into a cat and did that thing where they turn into a liquid and just melt. You did that and then turned into a cheetah. You started running circles around him and it was like something out of a cartoon. He tried to follow your movements but that didn't work so once his guard was down you pinned him and he gave up.

Battle 3: You were good at dodging his ice but Todoroki was eventually able to freeze you. You tried to shift into a cat since you thought if you were smaller it'd be easier to get out but you didn't realize it was around you like a shell so the only way out was by him melting it.


She would love to be a mom with you but she knows that it wouldn't work well since she's a villain.


1- 1 boy

Hajime (beginning) (Y/L/N)
Looks: Blonde hair and (E/C) eyes. There are certain characteristics that change because of his Quirk.
Quirk: He can turn into any animal he drinks the blood of but a characteristic of that animal will stay until he drinks his own blood.

Himiko: She's crazy overprotective. He's a pretty independent kid and that hurts her feelings sometimes because she wants him to need her help every now and then. She loves him with all her heart and accepts him no matter what.

You: He doesn't get in trouble when he's with you. You can't tell the difference between right and wrong so if he does something he's not supposed to you'll ignore it since you think it's fine. It's hard for you to show it but you do care about him and he knows that.

Marriage Part One

She wanted to marry you when you started acting more like yourself. She liked watching you open up more and show your true colors. She's glad you felt comfortable enough around her to do that and she wants you to continue to feel that way with her.

Marriage Part Two

You wanted to marry her when she started to read you. You always felt impossible for others to understand and it annoyed you because you couldn't understand yourself either. It made you feel somewhat normal and it amazed you that someone stuck around long enough to get to know you.

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