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So, HI!! Thank you so much for checking Being A Badgirl out Please respect the fact that I worked extremely hard for this, so, don't copy my story alright? Enjoy :)

"Janice! Get your lazy ass down here right now! We're gonna be late!" Jan hollered from downstairs where I heard him setting up plates for breakfast.

Liar. We are close to an hour and a half early. You just want to get to school earlier so that you can take joy in forcing me awake. And also probably so that you can get a go at those desperate girls in my school. 

Groaning I snuggled deeper into my pleasantly cosy bed, and tugged the sheets higher in case he chooses to tickle me awake. He did that once and I fell out of my bed and nearly broke my arm to the roars of laughter and delight by my wonderful older brother.

Safe to say, it isn't anything anyone would want to wake up to.

"Janice! I'm warning you! Get ready now or I'll go up and make you!"

"Try and make me then." I silently taunted him as I pulled up my blanket. I was so close to entering Dreamland when,


"What the fuck? Jan? What's happening? Who's dying?" I asked an annoyed-looking Jan whose brown hair already heavily gelled up and his face was scrunched up in annoyance at my inability to wake up.  He was already extremely ready for school, except his shirt was thrown over his shoulder, showing off his abs, looking ready to slay demons as I struggled to even sit up. Typical.

"Get ready you dumbass we're gonna be late. Jesus. How can you not have heard me? I screamed so loudly Mr Baldy from the opposite house yelled at me to shut the fuck up. Now that you're awake, go get ready. Shoo, shoo! Now!"

Pouting and shaking my head like a defiant toddler as I refused to be chased out of my bed, I crossed my arms and slowly slid back under my blanket as he continued to complain about how it always takes him hours to wake me up, than another few hours before I finish getting ready, his hands waving rapidly to emphasize his point. Slowly, his annoyingly stupid voice faded into the background as I fell back asleep.

That, was my older brother, Jan Smith, I'm Janice, the both of us live mostly by ourselves. Our parents, are just work slaves, working their asses off yet still stuck at work for eternity, and beyond, which means that they are basically out of the scene most of the time. That is probably why Jan and I choose to go against the school so much. Because unlike other kids who'd have to worry about getting their asses whopped by their parents, the only that could happen to us is a high-five from the other sibling if the prank was good.

Besides, rebelling was fun, and it was nice getting back at teachers who think they are the Gods of the school simply because they are older than us, so why not?

This, is just the usual scene on a school morning, except Jan thinks of different ways to wake me up. So far, he'd tried to whack me to death with a pillow, sit on me (mind you that boy may look ripped but I swear he weighs as much as a Rhino), pouring freezing cold water on my face, pushing me off the bed, screaming that there's a fire, earthquake, etc. I'd say that this is the mildest simply because he feels lazy today or maybe because his sadistic delight when it comes to watching me shoot out of sleep panicking died away. 

By the time Jan finished his rant and realized that I was asleep, again, he must have actually lifted me up and placed me on the second step of the flight of stairs leading up to the rooms knowing full well that I roll a lot in my sleep.

Safe to say it didn't take me long to get awake and Jan probably pissed himself watching me flail around as I rolled down 2 steps. That bastard was actually recording me falling down. Mumbling curses under my breath, I stomped up the stairs and deliberately took my time, blocking out whatever threats Jan screamed at me if I don't hurry up, curling my hair a little and having worn the first things I saw in the cabinet, I finally sauntered down to the kitchen. 

Eating leisurely, I finished my bowl of cereal 20 minutes later and made my way out, following my stupid brother that was still laughing over my near death experience, flailing his hands exaggeratedly as he laughed until he doubled over. Asshole.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my life of hell. 

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