Chapter 27

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The doorbell rang and I got off my lazy ass to go answer it. It was a relax day. Phil helped me re-dye my fringe red and I helped him a bit when he was dyeing his black. Now he was washing his hair out while I watched some stupid game show, waiting for him to come down so we could cuddle and watch movies. Adam and PJ were out exploring

I was only in my boxers and a black tank top but I couldn't be bothered. Let's hope it's not anyone important. I opened the door and furrowed my eyebrows. A guy not much shorter than me and not much more buff than me was stood in front.

"Hello." He had a french accent, which just made me even more pissed off. "Sorry to intrude, I was just wondering if this was the Howell's residence?" "Yah it is. What's your business?" "I am looking for someone. He's a friend of mine from France. His name is Philip?" "Yes, he's staying here."

"May I see him?" "Probably not. Who are you?" "You have no authority over me." "I do because Phil is my boyfriend." The guys face showed shock then anger. "Phil's boyfriend? He leaves for several months and gets a boyfriend without my acknowledgement."

"Dan? Who's there?" "Some guy who wants to see you." Phil peeked over my shoulder and squeaked, a noise I've never heard from him before. "Keegan?" Phil said softly, he was afraid. I've only heard that voice once from him, when he wokeup from a nightmare, and my instincts kicked in.

Phil moved to stand in front of me to speak to Keegan. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him towards me. A car pulled into the large driveway and PJ and Adam got out of the car. They looked over at us and ran over immediately. "Keegan? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Looking for Phil. No one wanted to tell me where Phil was so I got a new Instagram and checked out Phil's account. You got a boyfriend?" He looked genuinely hurt. I had no idea what the story was behind Keegan but Adam had his guard up and PJ had his hand intertwined with Phil's. I would get pissed off but I couldn't bring myself to.

"Keegan. We aren't dating. I said I never wanted to see you again. I'm not under your control. I can get a boyfriend if I want. And you need to stay away from me. I will put a restraining order against you." Phil didnt talk back in his usual sassy talk, he spoke directly and firmly. "Phil I love you." I got even more pissed, tightening my grip around Phil's waist. "But I don't. You need to get over me Keegan."

"You don't love me?" His lip quivered. "No Keegan. I haven't loved you for a while. I love someone else." "This guy." He pointed to me. Phil nodded and grabbed my hand, pressing a small kiss to my knuckle. Keegan growled and stomped away.

"You alright Phil?" "Just peachy." He mumbled, turning and going back inside.

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