Chapter 9

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* Phil *

"HE DID WHAT TO YOU?" Adam screeched through the phone.

"H-he tried to drug me," I said, sobbing.

"When?" he hissed, looking like he was going to sprint to America and beat the shit out of they guy I was with last night.

"Right after we did it. I asked if he could get me a drink of water and when he came back I waited for him to turn his back so I could test it on my drug tester that was on my keychain and it lit up and I freaked out. I got dressed and ran out, and his friends were right behind the door," I said in a quick, rushed manner. "Only God knows what he and his friends were going to do to me if I had been drugged."

I sobbed into the sleeves of my hoodie that went over my face. Adam seemed like the only one who cared about me, why can't I like him like he likes me? I know he does, no matter how much he tells me he doesn't. I just know. But I don't, and I don't know why I don't. My brain says yes and my heart says no.

"Jesus, American boys are so awful. I'm so sorry Phil." I didn't say anything.

"I need tea." I stood up and muted the Skype session. I pressed the button for the kitchen and waited. "What is it?" a maid's sickly sweet voice rang out. "Can you bring me a relaxer tea? And Advil."

"Sure thing," she said.

"Thank you."

I sat down on my bed, unmuting the Skype call and playing with the threads on my sleeves. "Can you sing me something?" I ask quietly. It's twelve there and I know his voice was tired and he didn't want to be loud but I really hoped he would.

"French or English?" he asked softly, smiling even softer, if possible.

"A French lullaby. You know, the one you always sing to me. The one that calms me down. I can't remember it's name, but that why I have you." I looked up, smiling.

He nods and then stands up, grabbing his laptop and walking over to his keyboard. Adam was a very talented musician, he can play the guitar, drums, piano, and a bit of the flute, which he hated and I loved. He also had an amazing voice.

He began to sing softly. It was an ancient song, probably older than Ms. Hetcher, my old Maths teacher, and right now my brain was too run down to concentrate on the words. I loved the soft hum that his voice gave off when he sang, and when he went for high notes he was always able to get them and it was a beautiful sound. I loved everything about his singing voice.

Someone knocked and walked in, making Adam mess up the notes on the piano and slam down on the wrong keys. "Sorry. The maid who was originally going to bring you this had another errand to do so I volunteered to bring it to you instead." I smiled at Dan as he set down the tray.

Adam looked at us through the screen, the tinge of jealous in his eyes quickly masked.

"Oh, Dan. The babe," he said in French.

"Shut up or I will hang up on you," I hissed back, not worrying to speak in English.

"Fine." He put his hands up in surrender. I giggled. I sniffed and turned to Dan.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Is everything okay?" I awaited to answer, muting the Skype call once more, even though Adam looked annoyed when I did it.

"Not really," I said, though regretted it. I didn't want to be bothersome to him. He looked at me in confusion, motioning for me to continue. "You know that guy that I was with that you had to pick me up from? Well, he didn't really ditch me." Dan sat on the bed. Adam shifted awkwardly, looking like an annoyed horse that couldn't get flies to leave him alone.

"After we — well, after we did it, I asked if he could get me a water and he — and he drugged it, Dan. I have this thing on my keychain that lights up when it reacts to drugs like that and I tested it and Dan what would he have done?" Tears came to my eyes once more.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I sobbed again into his shoulder. Then in French Adam asked, "Do you want me to go?"

"No, please don't." I sighed, pulling away from Dan.

"When you guys talk in French I can't help but feel like you guys are talking shit about me." Dan chuckled. I shook my head.

"We aren't. He just asked to leave. And no, please don't. You have to sing me to sleep," I said, shifting into French mid-sentence so that Adam could understand. He nodded and he played the piano a little, just barely tapping the keys on a low volume. "Thank you, Dan. But if you don't mind could you please go? I'm tired from crying, and I just want some sleep." He nodded in an understand way.

"It's no problem. I'll leave you to some privacy. Maybe I can bring you for a coffee at Starbucks to make you feel better."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. He walked out while I was blushing like mad. Was he even interested in me? Why did I do that? "Ready?" Adam asked breaking me from my thoughts. I nodded and Adam began to play and sing again, the soft tones of his French accent mixing in with his voice making me sleepy, and the relaxer tea was slowly making the comfortable blankets seem like a cloud. I soon fell asleep, the last words I heard being, "Goodnight, Philly."

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