Chapter 13

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* Phil *

I was majorly disappointed, but at least he wasn't an ass who would do something horrible to me. I actually laid down with him, cuddled into his chest. It felt nice and he was sweet.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't that good, it was my first," Brandon said after a second.

"I know. You weren't bad. And your kindness makes up for it." I giggled. It was mostly true, I mean, it sort of sucked, but it was his first, and he was really nice afterwards.

"Really?" I nodded. He hugged me tighter. "Hey, I've kind of liked you for a while, or at least since you've got here, and I was wondering if I could bring you for a date." My heart skipped a beat and I momentarily felt like I would suffocat.

"Sure." I looked up and smiled at him.

I went 'home' after a little while longer, feeling light and definitely feeling beautiful. I walked inside, passing some of the maids. I went into the kitchen, where Dan, Danni, and Adrian were sitting at the bar, doing something.

Ever since they found out that I was gay, Danni and I have become close friends. She smiled at me and then gasped. "Oh, you're back." She stood up and hugged me. "How was he?" I wrinkled my nose, shrugging.

"He was okay. He was a virgin though, so what can you expect? But he was really sweet. Guess what?"

"What?" she asked, eyes wide.

"He asked me out!" She gasped again.

"Yay, Phil! Oh my gosh." She giggled. I blushed and she hugged me. "Now what did you say? Do you like him?"

"I do. I said yes, of course." She squealed.

"Good for you." I nodded.

"I feel gross I'm going to take a shower." I walked off, shaking my hands through my hair.


I was pissed. Beyond pissed. I try to make a move on him and he acts as if I had killed Jesus himself, then he had sex with another guy? I mean, what the heck?

I got up and went upstairs. I needed to let out my anger. I need to go fight. Beat the shit out of someone. Anyone. Preferably Phil's new boyfriend. The word was sour when it wasn't talking about me.

* Phil *

For our first date he brought me to an arcade. I was reluctant at first but it was actually really fun. He was actually pretty cool. He was sweet, holding my hand or wrapping his arm around my waist. He was a looker definitely but he had a great personality.

He dropped me off at the Howell's and I gave him a kiss. He blushed and said a quiet bye. I hummed up into the house, very happy with today. I'll have to tell Adam about him though, I was scared of his reaction. When I got up onto the second floor I gasped.

"Dan!" Dan had his shirt off, showing his bruised torso. He had a small cut on his lip and a bad one on his side, just under where his right rib cage ended.

"I'm fine," he said, waving me off.

"No you are not. That gash on your side can get infected. Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs into my bathroom. I had a first aid kit always with me because of my habits.

I sat him down on the side of the bath tub. I pulled out the kit and set it open on the counter. "You don't have to do this," he said.

"Hush." I pulled off my jumper because it was far too hot in the stuffy bathroom, leaving me in my Green Day t-shirt. I tied the shirt around my waist and then turned to Dan to examine him.

I wetted a rag and moved the kit next to me where I crouched on the floor. "How did you get this?" I referred to the deep gash on his side.

"The guy I was fighting with pulled out a knife on me, which is completely unfair," he said, as if he had been playing Pokémon and somebody had pulled out a level 50 Arcanine when he only had a level 6 Bulbasaur. I gasped. I wiped the cut gently, trying to clean it off so I could tell if he needed stitches or not.

I poured hydrogen peroxide onto the rag and cleaned it. "Oi, that stings!" he hissed, flinching.

"Sorry. And oi? I didn't know you were British," I said, in an attempt to distract him.

"Shut up." I cleaned it off, humming the notes of Starlight. I really wanted to play my violin.

"We got to go to the hospital, this needs stitches."

"What? No!" I expected him to say that.

"Dan, I can't stitch it myself. It needs to be stitched." He sighs.

"Fine. Let me get dressed." I nod. I untie the jumper and pull it over myself.

"Oh, wait, Dan."

"What?" I grabbed a gauze pad and a bandage wrap while I was upstairs. I pulled up his shirt and placed the gauze onto the cut and a bandage over it.

"I need to drive," I said, finishing the wrap.

"No. Not my car you're not."

"Fine. I'll call Brandon to come and get us because you aren't driving."

"No!" he yelled and then coughed, sighing in defeat. "Drive mine."

I furrowed my eyebrows but left it. I grabbed the keys from his jacket and then left to the car, helping Dan in.

It only took about two hours to get in, stitch it up, and then leave. It wasn't how I wanted to spend the rest of my day but I don't want Dan hurt. When he was released I let Dan drive home.

"How is Brandon?" he asked.

"He's great," was all I said. I didn't want to talk about this with the guy I might be in love with.

"Are you ready to commit?" he asked, mumbling.

"Excuse me?" I growled out, voice dripping in annoyance.

"Nothing. I was just . . . you know, since you sleep around a lot." I scoffed, turning to flare at him.

"You are basically calling me a whore," I said indignantly.

"Because you are one." That hurt. "By definition, you are," he said.

"Okay, I might sleep around a lot but the only reason I do is because I'm lonely and depressed and I deal with my depression in different ways than others. But I can commit. I've had boyfriends and I didn't cheat on them once. It doesn't matter to you anyways."

"Phil, stop arguing, I'm driving."

"Stop the car."


"I said stop the car." He looked at me and then sighed. He pulled over and I got out. I slammed the door and with tears in my eyes I stomped away.

"Phil! Where are you going? The house is this way."

"Fuck you and fuck off," I yelled at him. I then ran through a back alley, on my way to Emma's house.

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