Chapter 10

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* Phil *

Today I decided to take it easy. There was no school today because of some national holiday that we don't celebrate at my home. I sat back on my computer, scrolling through Tumblr. I woke up at 13:00 and I've been in bed for two hours, planning on going to the park with Luke and Patty, some new friends from school.

I took a shower and got dressed in a cute panda jumper and skinny jeans, putting on my black Vans. I was too lazy to fix the back of a hair so I pulled on a faded blue beanie and hope that it didn't show through. I went downstairs to grab a bit of food. I was preparing myself for a nineteen hour fast soon so I've got to keep myself steady.

I got a text from Luke, asking if others could join along. I sent back that I could care less and he responded with, "Cool, we'll be there in twenty minutes." I read it before putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Where are you going? It's a school night, Phil," Dan said. He was just in his boxers, I found out recently that he works out, and his body is heavenly. I used all my self control to not let my eyes travel down his perfect body and to his bulge through his boxers.

"I know. I'm just going out with some friends. Jeez. You are the dude I'm stuck with for a few months, not my dad," I said, annoyance seeping through my voice.

"Not your dad, but I wouldn't mind being called daddy," he said, winking. I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his dirty words.

"Kinky," I said, hitting his stomach. I grabbed an apple and then walked out to meet with Patty and Luke.

"Howell's house, right?"

"Yup," I said to Patty over the phone. Patty was adorable. He was absolutely adorable, but, shockingly, he was straight, disappointment, I know. 110% straight, and in fact was so straight that he had a cute girlfriend called Dottie. I wondered whether she would be with us or not.

When they arrived I talked to them in the doorway for a second, just greeting each other and talking over plans. Dan came out, this time, however, with some sweatpants on. "You never said goodbye to me," he said, mocking a pout. I smirked at him.

"Last time I checked I wasn't required to."

"You're not. I want you to though. And I wanna know what time you're coming home so I'm not worrying like crazy." I rolled my eyes.

"I promise no later than nine, mom," I said, chuckling.

From the car someone wolf whistled at Dan and he showed his middle finger in the general direction of the car.

He kissed my cheek, patting my hip before walking inside, yawning. God, he was so deliciously annoying. Did that make sense? Well, it did for me, so all well.

We finally left after my friends made fun of me for the embarrassing, couple-like things that Dan had done to me, a blush on my face the whole time. After lots of eating, joking and shopping, I was ready to crash when I got home. Turns out most of the guards that were sent to watch me were being sent back home, and there was only a few of them now. And they weren't everywhere, watching me. I was a bit more comfortable flirting without constant eyes over my shoulder.

When I got home I checked in with Dan. I'm pretty I interrupted him in some pretty important business. By business I mean his hand, tissues, and whatever was on that screen. Whatever, I was too tired to let my imagination wander that far.

Once upstairs I just let myself completely crash. I shouldn't have done all that shopping, I'll have to postpone my fast, which sucks because I'm starting to feel really fat.

I think it's time to tell a secret. I went out onto the balcony with my case. My violin case. Yes, I play violin, not very well, but well enough to play some simple stuff. I wasn't amazing, I couldn't do fast songs with lots of notes, but I was really good with my fingers.

I sat on the stool I placed out there. It was chilly outside but it was the only place where I felt I had complete privacy. I sighed, pulling out the violin and the bow. I played with the strings, playing each note to get used to it. I placed it in between my shoulder and chin and shut my eyes, beginning to softly play the background notes for Starlight by Muse.

The next day was school. I wasn't in a good mood. I don't know why, maybe because I'm way past my normal fast day. I'll do it tomorrow. I put on favorite Mcr t-shirt, because I was emo, and black skinny jeans, as usual.

I wore red Vans and a red beanie. I wasn't even in the mood to do my hair, which said something. I went downstairs, ignoring the hungry looks Adrian threw my way. I usually giggled and teased him before Dan noticed. Dan gets jealous easily. 

"You okay?" Cat asked as I sat down at the lunch table. I moved from the first day I was here from the nerds to a better suitable group. I still talk to those guys, just don't hang around them.

"I'm not, honestly. I feel like shit." I sighed, ruffling my hair violently.

"Aw, I'm sorry babe," she said.

"It's okay. I have a high risk of developing anorexia nervosa so I just have to take it easy." She nodded, concern in her eyes, though didn't press me to talk.

"Hey, you!" I looked up, frowning slightly. Veronica Williams, aka whore, aka not as pretty as she thinks, aka Mean Girls Regina George, aka Queen Control Bitch.

"Oh, hello. May I help you with something?" I said, raising an eyebrow and pretending to be actually confused.

"Yes, actually," she snapped. New name: Crocodile Skin. The room, as always when she talked, had gone quiet. I stood up, brushing myself off. Ew, I felt so fat. Maybe I could puke later.

"What do you need help with?" I noticed everyone turn their heads towards her and I, and the room slowly, but surely, fell silent. I saw Dan and Chris walk in, Dan's face instantly becoming annoyed while Chris looked ready to absorb every bit of drama that was about to go down.

"I need you to do me a favor," she said in a sickly sweet voice that reminded me of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter.

"What?" I said, rolling my eyes. It's not like I actually cared.

"You need to stay away from Dan Howell," she snarled.

Ok, hold up. Did she really say that? I burst out laughing, and could hear Dan chuckling, Chris snorting, and a couple of my friends trying to cover their laughs.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, controlling my laughter.

"Because you're turning him into one of you, and I want him." I rolled my eyes, cracking my knuckles. Get ready to be sassed you ugly rat.

"Excuse you, honey, I am not forcing my gay onto him. I'm pretty sure he's not exactly the straightest man ever. And anyways, you can't 'have' him because he's not a piece of property. You can't put him in a cage and force everyone away from him."

"I can and I will." She tried to make herself look taller by straightening up, her jaw shifting angrily and her manicured nails clenched angrily.

"Unlike the other guys you fuck, Dan has a head. Why would he date a whore like you?" I asked.

"Last time I checked you are one too," she replied, and I stopped myself from laughing once more.

"Maybe I am, but at least I don't have STDs." Her face showed complete horror. "And you're very right," I continued. "I am a whore as well, meaning that Dan won't want you or me. So I'm not staying away from him. Now get your hooker heels out of your ass and start walking," I said, doing a little hand movement as to brush her off.

There were a collection of "ooh's" like before, and I regretted my last words. I need to get to the bathroom, I feel like throwing up, but that'd be like counteracting my words. I sighed, forcing myself to sit down and wait for a second.

After ten agonizing minutes people had stopped talking about that, and I quickly ran out. I turned, heading into the first bathroom stall and coughing up everything that was in my stomach, dry heaving. I feel so weak now, but empty. I need to fast definitely, I don't like that full feeling. I felt so fat. I'm not anorexic though.

I scrubbed my face and hands. I brushed my teeth with my weird to-go toothbrushes and then I ate four mints. I combed my hair and splashed my face with water, trying to not look so tired. I looked in the mirror, really feeling fat now.

I'm not anorexic.

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