I facepalmed. "Tired eyes are not good, Phoenix. You should know that." I turned to the girl who was now standing in the corner of the room. Her glare at us was hostile. There's nothing we can do about that since Yoru... Literally shot the door down. It's normal to think that we're dangerous after seeing that.

"We're really not gonna hurt you. I promise!" I made my voice even softer than what I was using earlier. This is gonna be a pain in the ass but I'm gonna let her go since she's pretty. "Are you sure...?" I was taken aback when she replied. Her voice was hoarse as if she hadn't drunk water for ages. "Yes, I promise."

Her combat-like stance disappeared and I started to approach her slowly. I made sure Yoru and Phoenix stayed back since they probably don't know how to handle these situations properly. I gave Yoru one last disapproving glance and proceeded to reach out for her hands. It was cold. Like- even colder than that place in Russia.

"You can let go if you want. It's cold." This time, her voice was clearer. I awkwardly let go of her hands and stared into her eyes. "Who are you three." What she stated sounded more like a sentence than a question. Does she still not trust us?

"We're from an organization called Valorant Protocol and we're here to.. Uhm... Rescue you." I explained a little bit more and her eyes seemed to lit up at the mention of rescue. "Really?" She questioned, with a face expecting a positive response.

"I'll be out of this hell? I can see the outside? I can... Get out of here?" She started to tear up. She wipes her tears with her sleeves but she couldn't seem to stop crying. I slowly walk up near her and gave her a short hug. "Yes... You'll be out of here soon."

"Aye, enough with the lovey-dovey. We need to get out of here as soon as possible and go back to the headquarters quick." Phoenix whined while Yoru agreed. "Cypher must be waiting." Yoru silently walked out of the room.

The both of us broke from the hug and proceeded to walk behind Phoenix and Yoru. "Just hold on to my shirt, alright?" I caressed the girl's face softly and smiled at her. This girl was short. Maybe about 145 centimetres? How old is this girl even anyway? Nevermind that. I'll find out soon enough.

2nd Person

You couldn't believe it. You were finally out of that shitty place. You couldn't keep still so you fiddled with your bruised fingers. The sting was painful but you couldn't help but make it more painful. Being in pain sucked but it was also addicting.

Due to being kept inside the laboratory for so long, your mind didn't even function like a 27-year-old. Instead, your mind thought just like a fifteen-year-old. Your memory was hazy and you could only remember bits of your life before you were taken from your loving family.

You didn't care who these people were at the moment since you were too happy about seeing the outside world again. However, it was something you didn't expect. The outside world was already corrupted. It wasn't like this before. What has the world turn into now?

Walking past lots of boxes that had things in it, you shivered as the wind blew harshly. So this is what wind felt like? You thought. Enjoying the feeling of coldness, you didn't notice the taller man wrap you up with his blue jacket.

Though he said that he didn't want to do that, his soft gaze and touch proved to you that this man was much more kinder than you thought. What was his name again? Yoru? That's a pretty name.

You kindly accepted his jacket even though you weren't cold at all. The laboratory was much colder than the wind right now. Your looked up at the darkening sky and felt your heart sting. It has been a while since you last saw the sky.

You couldn't even remember how you got in the laboratory anymore. Being abducted is the only thing you could remember. You could also remember your parents telling you to hide. You remember that they were your parents but you could not remember their faces. It was like they've been erased from your memory.

What year is it? You thought to yourself. You made a mental note to yourself to check out the year when you find a calendar.

The trip back to the headquarters was quick. While Yoru rode his motorcycle, Jett, Phoenix and you rode on a car. Phoenix's car, to be specific. The ride was quiet and peaceful. You were asked a couple of questions which you answered truthfully.

These three people were the ones who saved you from that wretched place so you had a very big debt to them. Whatever it is that they wanted, you were prepared to fulfill it. You couldn't understand why but ever since you saw the white-haired woman, who you remembered as Jett, you felt a sense of trust in them.

It was as if fate destined for you and Jett to meet each other.

"Skrrra! We're back!" Phoenix let out a sigh of relief and stretched his body. He must be really tired. You looked at him with concern but Jett told you he's going to be alright.

After moments of looking for a calendar in the room, you finally found one. And the sight you saw was definitely not something you expected.

Huh? Twelve years? Your eyebrows subconsciously furrowed while you were looking at the calendar so Jett stepped up and asked if anything was wrong. You waved your hands and said that you were fine, just a little bit confused.

It's been twelve years? Then how old am I now...? Since I was taken away when I was only fifteen... 27 years old? Your face paled even more. That meant you missed 5-7 years of education! Oh no, you were seriously gonna have to take high school classes again.

Wait. Does school still even exist? You stood there, debating whether you should ask Jett about school or not. The others were still strangers to you but Jett was different. She was the one who was willing to get you out of that laboratory wholeheartedly.

"Oh hey Breach!" Your thoughts were interrupted by Jett calling out to this man named Breach. You thought you've heard the name before and it turns out that you really had.


The old man Breach was your...


ps, reader gets taller ok

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