Ichika finally faced (Y/N), her blush toned down but she is still embarrassed about (Y/N)'s pickup line.

"A-Anyway...there is something I would like to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

It's now or never.

She needs to ask him now.

"Do you know about the Fireworks Festivals in a couple of weeks...?" She finally said it.

"Yeah, why?"

"Would you come with me there? A-As my d-date...?" Ichika said it with a red face.

(Y/N) didn't say anything as he just silently stares at her, he has the look of uncertainty.

"Oh no...please don't tell me..." Ichika was then beginning to feel nervous. Could she be too late?

"(Y/N)-kun, could it be that you are already going with someone at the festival...?"

"Y-Yeah..." (Y/N) scratches at the back of his head.

After that, it made her chest tightens when Ichika heard that (Y/N) is going to the festival with someone.

"Why...was I too late to ask...?" Ichika thought to herself.

"I can't decide...me, Fuutarou and Raiha always go to the fireworks festival every year to have fun. Should I break traditions now?" (Y/N) thought to himself very deeply.

Ichika took a deep breath before she puts the biggest fake smile so far.

"I see, it's alright, there's always next time. Am I right, (Y/N)-kun?"

"Sure..." (Y/N) quickly picks up the situation about her.

"Let's go to class or we'll be late!" She still maintains that 'smile'.

When Ichika turns around, she felt someone grabbed her hand.

When she turns around, it was (Y/N) who was grabbing her hand.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)-kun? Do you want us to skip class or something~?" While still having that smile, she tries to tease him.

"Are you okay, Ichika?" (Y/N) gave a look of concern to her.

"What are you talking about, (Y/N)-kun? I'm always okay!" Ichika awkwardly laughs as she keeps that 'smile'.

"Ichika, if you're gonna keep doing that, I'm gonna scream."

"Huh?" It made Ichika surprised.

"It pains me to see that side of you, Ichika..."

"W-What do you mean...?"

"I don't like that 'smile' of yours. All I ever want from you is to smile to your heart's content."


"Can you be honest to yourself?"


Ichika can't handle it anymore.

Ichika then puts both of her palms on (Y/N)'s chest. She then got closer to him as she looks down.

"(Y/N)-kun...can I be selfish...?"

"Of course, it's okay to be a little selfish, y'know?"

Ichika now looks up to him, face to face.

"I really really really really really want to go to the fireworks festival with you and I'm not gonna take no for an answer!" Ichika said with a pleading face with a tint of redness.

When (Y/N) heard what Ichika said to him, it made his heart flutter. The feeling is truly the best when your crush said that to you.

He couldn't help but smile, seeing Ichika like this makes him very happy.

"How could I say no to you, Ichika."

"I-Is that a yes...?"

"Of course!"

(Y/N) unexpectedly pulls Ichika closer to him as he hugged her.

It made Ichika gasped out of surprise.

(Y/N) is quite the hugger, ain't he?

"I'm so thankful that you've asked me, you're the best!"

"(Y-(Y/N)-kun, s-stop-

"You're the best!"

"Please stop, people are watching!" Ichika blushed at the fact that she is getting hugged by him.

"I don't care, I want to hold you close!"

Ichika blushed madly when he said that to her. (Y/N) didn't realize on what he just said but he still keeps hugging her.

"We still have classes!" Ichika is about to explode if (Y/N) keeps this up.

"I forgot! Let's go now!" (Y/N) immediately let's go of her.

Ichika feels her legs are getting wobbly but suddenly her hand felt is getting grabbed again.

"Let's go, Ichika!" (Y/N) said as he holds her hand as they both rushed to class.

Many bystanders or students saw the whole thing. If there is one thing that they agree on, (Y/N) and Ichika are cute together.

As they both rushed to the corridor, there is one thing on Ichika's mind right now.

"Please don't ever leave me." Ichika thought to herself


Author-kun is back with a banger!

I'm starting off strong today!

Feel free to criticize me so I can improve

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