That was my life?

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Longest chapter I have ever wrote! Sequel should be up in 2 weeks at least. This chapter alone makes up 10-11 regular chapters. 

{ when the girl wakes up, she is reminded of the horrors and goods of her reality. Piecing together every detail she has ever seen. }


The girl mentally groaned as her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes opened slightly, squinting immediately at the bright white light that was shown. Perhaps it's because shes so use to natural light, than the man made light was just too much.

Her eyes remained squinted, letting herself slowly but surely adapt to the bright white light in the room. The light reflected in her dull eyes, allowing her her to simmer down from being high alert.

Just as her eyes opened fully for a spilt second, the pounding of her head pulled her back to pain. It felt like her outer brain area was damaged completely. Like her skull was tugging at her, pounding on her forehead and nape to let the bone structure out.

Her lips parted, wanting to say the first name she thought of.


but quickly closed when she saw a rush of memories. The visions of her classmates fighting. That hero who was impaled by a rock, and Kiri's hardening skin coming undone during his battle.

Then she could recall beating Akane Tendo in her marital arts match. The constant throwing and tossing the bob haired girl did to her, making it the main reason she got so fuelled up. She could remember pinning the woman to the ground rather harshly. She was so happy when she realized that she won, and successfully beat Akane in the battle.

She didn't even realize the warmth her face was going through, when she remembered the words of the previous users.

" you are our pride and joy..." it's the power of the successors. It's truly amazing.

When the different colours of the 4 emblems came rushing at her as Akane remained pinned. The warm feeling was so welcoming, like they have fully accepted her into their family.

She was the fifth One Punch user. Asia Emiyo, colour- the Red Shining Emblem.
Hero name: One Punch Woman ( in the sequel chapter, I plan to change the name to " One Punch M'am" )

She was so proud of how she came that she found herself unconsciously smiling.
It seemed Akan didn't hate the girl. She actually was a nice person-

Her face immediately dropped when she remembered the encounter with the woman. How she sliced her forehead with that sharp weapon. Her face went still at the memory.

Her arm lifted in the air, feeling nothing but dead weight. She shook her arm a little, her fist clenching as she hissed lowly at the pain. Pushing, she brought a hand to her forehead. Giving it light taps to make sure there is no scare, stitches, or dried blood.

But it was truly just soft skin on that section. The pounding on her head died down, allowing her to look down at herself. Mostly using her neck to move more.

She could see orange sparks emerging from her body. Her skin feeling abnormally hot, hotter than usual. Well, hotter than it regularly is.
Her skin is as hot as it is when she over uses Heat Force, the quirk that she used to dedicate all her time to.

The quirk she considered to be her one and only. She sat herself onto her elbows feeling like her whole body had exploded into bits, and she was only now regenerating.

The orange sparks died down, her body still hot as ever. Her eyes had now fully adjusted to the light of the room. It wasn't like Flower city, but it will do. After all, this was the reality she has been watching right?

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