The Bar

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The next day Yuzuru brought all the unprocessed food to his mum and returned back with several plastic containers filled with proper sushi and homemade dumplings.

-Did you watch her make it?



-We did it exactly the same, I don't know what was the difference.

-Ah, she will never let me marry into your family.

Yuzuru blushed hearing those words but quickly continued the conversation before Anya would notice how those words affected him.

-You are fine, Anya. I will be the one she will make fun of at every family gathering now. Will be even worse when my sister finds out.

Yuzuru then changed the topic, recalling that Javi invited them for a night out next week.

-But my schedule when you are not here is way busier....

-It would be in the evening anyway.

Anya didn't want to worry Yuzuru by telling him her new schedule includes studying until late at night and decided to just get up earlier for those days when they would see each other during non-Yuzuru's weeks.
She agreed to join him for the night out next week, glad to actually get out of the flat for a while.


It was Friday morning at 4 am and Anya was trying to convince her body to move and get off the bed.

She tried to focus on the fact that her first week of such an intense schedule is finally over and after tonight she will finally have some rest over the weekend and most of all Yuzuru would be back.
She rolled off the bed and dragged herself to the study, for a while staring at the image of Yuzuru with his gleeful smile in the wooden frame and re-assured herself that it's all worth it.


They got into the bar hand in hand and Anya immediately darted a petrified look at Yuzuru.
He gave her the same look as he didn't expect that Javi meant the night out with all of his friends he made in Canada in past 6 years.
They squeezed themselves on a wooden bench among the strangers they never seen and Yuzuru rested his hand on Anya's thigh, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

-We don't have to stay long. It's just that it might be one of the last few times I can see Javi, since I don't train at TCC now. Stupid injury.

-That's okay, Yuzu. I might just work on one of my physics assignments.

-What do you mean?

Anya tapped on her forehead, signaling Yuzuru that she can just do the work in her head before writing it down.

-Well, you two, if you came here to chat in Japanese, you could have stayed home.

The guy sitting across Anya burst into laughter at his own joke and then raised his hand to call one of the waitresses over. He had two girls sitting next to him, both of them giggling at his joke.
Yuzuru darted him an agitated look, but Anya smiled and introduced herself and Yuzuru.

-I'm Logan....Hey!! Javi!! That Japanese friend of yours you talked about is here!!

Yuzuru frowned a bit, hearing the guy didn't even bother to repeat his name and addressed him only as a Japanese friend but the moment he saw Javi's joyful face, he smiled as well and stood up to give him a half hug over the table.
Javi then squeezed himself on the bench as well, Anya glad to see that the rude guy is ignoring them again, thinking of what to order. He decided to go for another Guinness beer and Anya saw him checking out the waitress's butt, even though she was sure one of the girls next to him was his girlfriend. Or at least hoping to be.
Anya then looked somewhere into the distance and tried to work on her physics assignment.

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