Flawed logic

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Anya woke up in the bed to the sound of her phone. She started to mindlessly scrabble around looking for the source, Yuzuru doing the same next to her. Just anything that would stop that horrible sound at 4 am in the morning.

She finally reached it and looking at the caller ID she froze for a moment, concerned to see her mom calling. She quickly picked up, but her worried face turned soon into laughter.

-Yes, I will tell him, mum...don't worry.
-Of course, but you just take care of dad, okay? Tell him the truth, please.
-I know you find it funny, but I doubt he sees it that way.
-Yes. Anyway, it's 4 am here, I should get at least one more hour of sleep.
-Okay. Bye.

She then looked around, only now realizing she is not on the sofa anymore, and looked at confused Yuzuru.

-Everything okay, Anya? Was that your mum?

-Yes. Why do I always wake up in the bed when I quite vividly remember falling asleep elsewhere?

-What did she want?

-Do you always carry me back to bed? It was already happening back in Toronto....

Yuzuru fell back onto his pillow and growled, seeing she won't answer him unless he answers her questions first.

-I always set up my alarm for 3 am because that's the time you are already fast asleep and carry you back. Actually back in Toronto my internal clock was just already pre-set to it but after the months apart it just got back to normal. So now I started to set up the alarm again.

Anya found that gesture incredibly nice but just wasn't sure what to say to it, so she just mumbled a simple 'thank you' and then answered his questions.

-My mum got your surprise. I guess you meant it when you said you need to thank her for pushing me back to you....

-She got the flowers?

-Yes, all twenty bouquets....

-Was she happy?

-Very. She thanks you very much and can't wait to meet you in person.

-I'm glad. Can't wait to meet her either.

-Yeah, she might be divorced by that time though.

-What do you mean?!

Yuzuru exclaimed but Anya kept her typical calm look.

-She doesn't want to tell my dad it's from you. She told him it's from her secret admirer. Apparently, she believes that's what keeps the spark alive.

-Oh, that's actually quite funny. But never do that to me, please.

-I won't. I hate jealousy. One should not be in a relationship if they can't trust each other.

And Anya fell back onto her pillow now as well, pulling up the duvet and trying to fall asleep again.

-Wait a minute, so you would not get jealous because of me?

-No. Good night.

Yuzuru frowned, not exactly sure if he likes that answer or not. He stared at her back, wanting her to elaborate on that statement. He never wanted to feel jealous because of her, but somehow found the feeling that she wouldn't be jealous of him disappointing.
Yuzuru pushed himself closer, wrapping his arm around her.

-Why wouldn't you get jealous?

-I told you I love you, didn't I? Now sleep, please.

-But love and jealousy are two different feelings, yet you can't feel jealousy if there is no love. So with that logic, if one is not jealous AT ALL then.....the love is not strong enough....

-Interesting theory, but your logic is flawed.

She kept her eyes closed as if the conversation was over for her, but Yuzuru now sat up and turned her on her back to face him.

-I want to sleep, Yuzu....

-Me too, trust me, but I can't sleep until you explain to me your logic. Properly. In full sentences.

Anya's sigh of defeat turned in a yawn and she closed her eyes again, answering his question while simultaneously trying to fall asleep again.

-Yuzu, when I said I love you, for me, it doesn't represent just having strong romantic feelings towards another person. It also means that I would do anything for you, that I trust you, respect you, and that I would gladly give my life for yours. When it comes to jealousy, that emotion is not linked to love but to the trust and respect, one has towards the person they love. So if a tabloid would print a picture of you kissing another girl, I would just simply praise their photoshop skills.

Yuzuru just blinked few times but stayed quiet and let Anya continue.

-If I would actually see you kissing another girl, like in those scenes they often put into movies, I would just simply assume it's one of your crazy fans invading your privacy and would just wait to see you pushing her away. Because I know that I can trust you. That if you would not love me as much as I love you that you would not be with me. If ever your love for me would fade, that you would break up with me first before cheating on me. Because you have the same respect towards me as I have towards you.
If I would have ever thought that you are not a trustworthy person, I would have never fallen for you in the first place. Having romantic feelings for someone is not enough for me to actually say 'I love you'. It needs to be the full package and you have it. That's why I am with you.
Can we sleep now?


Anya opened her eyes and saw Yuzuru's beaming smile yet his eyes seemed a little bit watery.
He leaned on top of her and started to kiss her, still smiling in between.
A moment later his hand slid under her shirt and she knew they won't do much sleeping anytime soon.

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