Fight or Flight

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Yuzuru got back to their room just to find Anya lying on her stomach, half-asleep on the sofa. She had one of her hands on the keyboard of her laptop, but not typing anything, just mindlessly staring on the screen and here and there closing her eyes, trying to fight the sleepiness.
He was absolutely exhausted as well and just fell onto the sofa face down, half of his body over Anya's back.
Yuzuru still had his gold medal around his neck, but took it off and put it around Anya's instead.
He then grabbed the hand she had on the keyboard and wrapped her palm around the golden disc, keeping his hand over hers.

-Good night Anya.

He exhaled not able to say anything else and she just mumbled back with the same exhausted voice.

-We will need to have a talk tomorrow.


And they both fell asleep.


Yuzuru woke up with a smile on his face but was surprised to see that this time the roles were reversed. He was lying on the sofa and Anya was just coming in from the bedroom. Suddenly all memories of the previous day rushed back to his mind and he quickly hid his red face into the pillow.

-I know you are awake.

Yuzuru didn't move and still pretended to sleep, now even his ears turning red.
Anya sat down next to him and tried to roll him on his back but he was pulling against her, holding the pillow under his face now even tighter.
Anya chuckled, glad to see that she is not the only one embarrassed by the events of the previous day, and started to pull on the pillow instead.

Yuzuru was still stronger than her but she had the advantage of being able to stand up, so she did, and grabbed the edges of the pillow with both hands, digging her heels into the floor and pulling with all her might. He could feel his little fluffy shield slipping underneath his grip and held onto it even tighter, in the end sliding onto the floor with it.
Yuzuru immediately turned away, trying to climb back on the sofa, but Anya reacted faster by sitting right behind him and wrapping her legs and arms around his body, having him now in a tight, taekwondo hold.
He still outstretched his arm over the sofa in one last attempt of saving his life, but feeling he has no chance anymore, he gave up.

-I don't know what got into me. I'm sorry.

-For what exactly are you sorry?

-Eh....I don't know. I did like it right?

-What do you think?

-Well you said's just....when I looked at you, your eyes were saying something else.

-So back to my original question. What exactly are you sorry for?

Yuzuru thought for a moment.

-Eh....for doing it in public and therefore putting you into an uncomfortable situation?

-Good boy. Glad you came to the correct conclusion.

She released her hold and Yuzuru turned around, a confused look all over his face.

-Wait a minute. That's it? I thought we will have a fight.

-Don't worry, that will come as well, I just needed to make sure first you understand my point of view. I already had the fight with you in my head, I know your arguments and why you felt the way you did, resulting in doing....what you did. Or rather where you did it. That said, that's just me being reasonable, but I am also just a human and need to vent. So just sit down here, be quiet and I will just do a little bit of yelling and then we can go and have breakfast. I'm starving.

Yuzuru blinked few times and his eyes followed Anya who went in the middle of the living room and looked as if she's trying to bring up all the angry emotions she felt hours ago. As he was watching her, he thought that he never saw anything more amusing.

She then cleared her throat and put her hands on her hips, here and there pointing at Yuzuru who was the whole time grinning from ear to ear.

-So you think you can just do whatever you like, hm?!! Abusing the fact that I find you irresistible and just cannot say no to you?!! That is incredibly despicable of you and I do hope you realize it!! Who do you think you are??!!---

Yuzuru raised his hand as if in school and she darted an agitated look at him.

-That was a rhetorical question for fuck sake!!!!

Yuzuru kept his hand up and she just sighed and pointed at him to give him a word.

-First of all, thank you for finding me irresistible. Second of all, I do realize it and I am sorry. Third of all, I am a double Olympic champion with the best girlfriend in the world and fourth of all....could you please start using "fuck sake" a little bit less? I caught myself saying it few times and if it would happen during a conference, I would be screwed.

Anya gasped few times, his comments only fueling her anger yet he could still see little amused sparks in her eyes.

-For. Fuck.Sake. There you go!! I do hope you say it somewhere, creating an inappropriate situation!!! You seem to be really good at it!! Anyway, if you want some out-going girls, who enjoy joining the mile high club or whatever, then you picked the wrong girl!!!

She sighed again but this time her face started to relax and she was slowly going back to her normal, calm self.

Yuzuru raised his hand again.

She rolled her eyes but answered him with her normal, quiet voice.

-You don't have to raise your hand anymore, you can talk now, the fight is over.

-Thank you. What is a mile high club?

Anya grinned but didn't answer, hoping that he would ask someone else and get himself into an embarrassing situation.
In the end, Yuzuru didn't push it any further, still amused by Anya's approach to fights.

He gave her a kiss and reached for the hotel room phone, ordering a huge breakfast for both of them.

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