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To his surprise, Anya was still sleeping when Yuzuru woke up. He was slightly sad because he was hoping for a little bit more of her 'pre-skate science' before his Free program, but seeing her asleep in a normal morning hour was so rare that he didn't have the heart to wake her up.
He just watched her for a minute and then quietly got up to go to get ready.

Anya walked into the living room still yawning and sat down next to Yuzuru who was now eating his breakfast and watching run-throughs of his free skate on a tablet. He then turned to her with a worried look.

-What if the free skate will be ghastly?

-It won't.

-I still have some time before I have to go....maybe we could do another boost of confidence like yesterday?

And he sheepishly looked at her.

-That wouldn't do you much good. You need to get proper rest after, which you don't have time for anymore.

-But Seimei is all about confidence and dominance, I don't know how to get into that mood now.

-I actually found you one video for that when you were asleep. Sorry if it will now sound like I am turning you into a guinea pig but it would be interesting for me to see the difference between sex and tapping into the narcissistic part of your personality.

-I am not a narcissist!!

-Not in the medical term, but you have a little hint of that trait. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But yesterday my science worked, trust me now as well, please.


Anya grabbed her laptop and looked up the video she saw last night and saved into her watch-list on YouTube.

-So while you eat, just watch and listen to this....on a loop. It should do the trick.

Yuzuru was first blushing a bit but then as he heard the Italian commentator, his back straightened and his chest started to get more and more inflated as the praise was pilling up.

He listened to it three times on a loop as he was finishing his breakfast and then turned to grinning Anya with a determination in his eyes.

-I will prove to them I am exactly like that.

And he pointed at the video.

-Thank you, Anya.

-Don't thank me. Thank your fans. They are the ones who made the video.

-Honestly, I wouldn't have been still skating if it wasn't for them. I will make sure to give the Free my best. For them. And for you.

He smiled, gave her a kiss, and went to put on his jacket.

-When we see each other again tonight, you can then say that you own a jacket of a double Olympic Champion.

-Can't wait.

They smiled, both of them knowing very well, she would never be boasting about it to anyone. Yet Yuzuru still wanted her to have something that will remind her how awesome he is.

"Maybe she is right about my narcissistic trait." He thought as he leaned for one last goodbye kiss.

-See you at the Arena. Love you.

-Good luck Yuzu. Love you.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Anya started to giggle as she saw how his eyes were quickly reading the title of the video on the screen when he was leaning for the goodbye kiss. She knew very well that he will be secretly watching it over and over again in his preparation room.

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