A little help

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*several days later*

Anya hit the sent button on her article and was happy to finally tick this bit from her To-Do list. After seeing that it's still only midnight she thought of maybe checking what could she pick as her themes for her three final theses for the PhD, Astrophysics and Cosmology but in the end decided to wait until she would be back at her parents' house.
Looking then at the few flowers left in her room, she went to give them new water, hoping to keep these last survivors alive for as long as possible.
A moment later her phone rang with Yuzuru on the other line.

-Anya, I need your help!

-What's going on?!

-I am playing chess online against some guy and I am losing.

Anya laughed at the desperation and annoyment in his voice and fell on her sofa.

-Oh, Yuzu.... it's okay to lose, that's how one learns. And I didn't know you were learning chess....

-I knew chess even before I met you, just not so much in detail. I was practising ever since your GP.

-Can we have a game then?! You have a really good analytical brain, you would be great in this!

-Not yet, I want to get better first. But please help me defeat this guy!!!!

-But that wouldn't be fair! Learn from your losses!

-I already got used to losing in chess, trust me....but he is so annoying! He keeps making fun of me in the chat.

-Sent me a screenshot of your board.

Yuzuru made a quick snippet of their board and sent it to her via email.

-You are screwed, Yuzu.

-I know! But you can get me out of it, right?

-I mean....how fast does he make his moves?

-Fast. He spends most of the time insulting me in German.

-Hmm...so you rather spent your time translating the insults on google instead of focusing on the game. That's what he wants, Yuzu. Move that poor little Rook of yours to H5 and copy+paste him this in the chat.

Anya then wrote up few sentences in German and emailed them to Yuzuru.

-Do you think it will work?

-I don't know his playstyle. Is there a game log with the history of your moves? The move you just did could win it for you, so hopefully, if he now thinks you understood his insults, it will distract him a bit.


-And the game log? That would help me to see how he thinks or what he might be planning.

-I don't want to send it to you. You told Nathan not to play speed chess against you. I don't want you to know how I play until we play against each other.


-He made his move!!

Yuzuru told her what the guy did and she let out a little giggle, telling him where to move next.

-If I am right, he will move his King to F2 so if he does, just take his Pawn with your Rook and then just watch his brain boil. Because from there he should realize he has no chance.

-And if he doesn't move his King there?

-He is arrogant. He will.

A moment later, he happily exclaimed that the guy indeed moved his King as Anya predicted and a moment later after Yuzuru took his Pawn, the guy wrote few more insults in German in the chat and disconnected.

-I love you, Anya!!!!! He disconnected! Thank you!!!!

-You are welcome. Just don't forget to report him for the insults, so he gets a penalty.

-But won't I get a penalty as well if they review the chat and see your insults?

-I didn't insult him.

Yuzuru took the text she sent him and put it into the google translator.

-Did you seriously just flirted with the guy through ME?!!

-Did it win you the game?

Yuzuru was silent.

-Yuzu, nothing works better on guys than to mention in the chat that you are a girl with boobs. It's low, but it works. He played dirty as well.

-Do you write such stuff when you play online?

-No. I can win with my brain or lose with honour. But this guy deserved it and the Rook move you had was your only chance. Are you happy he lost?


-Then don't complain.

-Will you write such stuff to me when we play online?

Maybe it was just her imagination but Anya was sure Yuzuru just bit his lower lip. She chuckled and answered him that she would want to play chess against him only in person.

-Okay. When we are at your parents' house. I will work hard until then. Are you going to bed?


-Could you stay on the line for a little while?


Anya could then hear that Yuzuru got up from his desk and moved around.

-What are you up to?

-I just locked the door to my room.


-I really liked how you kicked the guy's butt....and what you wrote there....it was hot.

Anya blushed but stayed on the line.

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