New Schedule*

632 22 18

Yuzuru's phone vibrated in his pocket exactly at 3 am and he quickly pulled it out and turned it off not to wake Anya up.
He was glad that he managed to stay awake on the plane, so it will be easier for him to get rid of the jet lag now. For few minutes he was just enjoying the view he now had on Anya, peacefully sleeping next to him, even though she was a little bit frowning. Yuzuru played with her hair for a while as she still didn't braid it, just wrapping it around his finger and then letting it slide out, creating little locks. He was wondering what she dreams about when she is frowning like that and soon after picked her up, as he did so many times before, and carried her to the bedroom.

Yuzuru lied down next to her, quietly pulling the duvet over both of them and then started to wiggle around a bit, trying to assess the quality of the mattress. After a minute he came to a conclusion that the bed is incredibly comfortable and just to his liking and dozed off again.


His alarm rang for the second time at 8 am and to his disbelieve, Anya was still in bed next to him. She slowly opened her eyes, asking what time is it.

-It's 8 am


Anya darted out of the bed so fast that her head started to spin but as she reached for the door frame to stabilize herself, Yuzuru lifted her up and put her back on the bed.

-Wow, I don't think that any girl before darted out of the bed from me as fast you just did.

He grinned at her and started to kiss her, his hand sliding under her shirt.

-Yuzu, I have so much to do, I lost so much time. I don't remember what is the last time I slept for so long.

-But isn't that a good thing? Getting a proper rest? Eight hours of sleep is normal for humans, you know....

-I normally sleep five to six hours. That's what's normal for me.

-Yeah, I keep forgetting you are not human.

Anya shot him an agitated look and got up one more time, this time slightly slower. She went to brush her teeth and then making herself camomile tea, Yuzuru already in the kitchen making his own mint tea.
Once his mug was full he waved few times above it with his hand to direct the minty fumes towards Anya and she immediately furrowed her face in disgust.

-What are you doing, Yuzu....I already brushed my teeth, you know.

-I am trying to get you used to the smell. The next step will be getting used to the taste and then you will love me.

-I will never like mint in any form and especially not as a tea.

She stuck her tongue out but still could see a spark of determination in Yuzuru's eyes.
He put his mug down and went to kiss her, wrapping his arms around her waist, slowly moving them lower over her butt.

-Can't you postpone your work just a little bit? It would be killing me having you around all day and not be able to touch you.

-It's not just that, my mind would be cloudy afterwards for too long to properly focus, I would lose more time than just the sex. And I won't be around anyway, I will be in my study.

Yuzuru hung his head in disappointment but pointed at the door to her room.

-Do what you need to do, Anya.

She thanked him and gave him a kiss, going then to her study, glad that he didn't push it any further, keeping the promise he gave her in Korea. She knew that if he would ask one more time, she would have given in.

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