Welcome to alamos

Start from the beginning

Manny throws him behind him and back to the others

Sid: come on! I could've made it. It could have me more respectable

Manny: if you jumped off that cliff the only respect you would've got was respect from the dead

???: would you all like a lift?

The gang look up and look to the cliff to see a young woman in a hot air balloon with her chimchar partner

The gang look up and look to the cliff to see a young woman in a hot air balloon with her chimchar partner

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Woman: hi there!

Chimchar: welcome!

The gang get on the balloon and flor toward alamos town

Steven: thanks for the lift ma'am.

Sorrel: who exactly are you?

Woman: my names Alice

Steven: nice to meet you mrs Alice. I'm Steven and these are my friends, variety, sorrel, cross, manny, Sid, Diego, Timon, pumbaa, keldeo, cobalion, terakion, verision, gocera, stevo, pichu, bumpy, lycinrock, piplup, lucario, charizard, scrat, and this is my girlfriend latias

Latias: (blushes) Steven! Don't spill the beans on her

Alice: oh don't worry. Almost everyone knows about the half boy half dinosaur that saved the prehistoric animals from the second extinction and brought peace between man and Titans

Steven: well I guess we're like guests of honor! Anyway we were hoping to see the Pokémon contest, variety and cross have great fighting skills. And I should know, I battled them both

Cross: it's true. But I'm still learning that it takes more than pure strength to win

Chimchar uses flamethrower to make the balloon go higher so they can see the town

Sid: man. We're pretty high up

Alice: well I work sometimes as a hot air balloon tour guide. But I also spend most of my time as a music student

She gets out a simple leave and makes beautiful music with it

Diego: leaf whistle? Now I've heard of everything

It was so soothing and beautiful that the passing pelippera flew right beside them as well as a pidgeoto and her pidgey younglings. It was like she and the Pokémon were in perfect harmony as the air Pokémon showed Alice which way the wind blew as they went that way too toward the town. Little did they know that team rocket was following them in their own hot air balloon shaped like caenivine

James: say, this balloon thing is catching on!

Meowth: yeah! Since we couldn't catch entei and ho-oh, that traveling legendary Pokémon circus will be worth millions of dollars earned from the boss and a promotion on top!

Just then a curious trio of driftloon and their driftblim mother come up to them

Jessie: more balloons?

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