"We look.... identical" I giggled while looking at the picture. 

"Wow I look so handsome, I may cut this and use it as a selfie." Hyunjin joked with the picture.

"What is a selfie?" Dong Hyun asked, I tried to explain, and he seemed to understand somehow, though he didn't look fully sure.

"Now, for real, we have to head back. I just need to tell Aeri something. Hana grabbed my hand and pulled me a few steps away from the boys, enough for them to not hear.

"What is it?" I asked her.

Hyunjin's POV

I watched as Hana and Aeri walked away from us, I got curious to know what they were talking about, but I guess that's something private of them. While they talked, I couldn't help but to admire Aeri.

There's always been something about her that makes my heart beat every single time I see her. Maybe it's something to do with our connections or so, but the feeling is heartwarming. I smiled while looking at her. 

"You love her deeply, right?" Dong Hyun suddenly interrupts my thoughts. The question got me completely off guard, so I didn't know what to say at first.

Dong Hyun chuckled looking at me. "I can see it in your eyes. She is someone special and important in your life, and you treasure her deeply."

I looked down, a slight chuckle came out of my mouth. "She came into my life to change it into good things only. I do love her."

"Have you told her this?"

"Not properly, or at least not with true colors. I think I told her I liked her, back when we were in school, but our relationship has matured since then, and right now, I'm serious about her."

"Well, do not let her go then. Be always for her, be her support, and be happy. That is how I feel towards Hana; she is the love of my life, I have no doubt."

Dong Hyun's words were beautiful, and just like he felt for Hana, I felt for Aeri. Destiny or not, I'm glad I met her, and that my heart decided she was going to stay.

Aeri's POV:

"What is it?"

"Aeri, before we go, I just wanted to tell you this, so listen carefully. After you return those pearls, go back to working hard for what you want."

I got confused at her statement, tilting my head and blinking several times.

"What I mean is, continue to chase your dreams, accomplish everything you want. Do not think too much about what will happen in the future. Remember to attach only to significance, nothing else. Stop flooding your head with worrying thoughts, if you do this too much, you will waste your time. Time is precious, spend it with people  you love and who love you."

It was like what I was thinking earlier, she knew. Like she was aware of my worries.

"That boy, he would give his life for you, just as I would for Dong Hyun. And I know you feel the same way towards him, as my husband feels for me."

"I would give everything for him, you're right." I smiled. Hana hugged me tightly.

"It's funny. Although you're supposed to be connected to me, you're just like Dong Hyun; you two have the same personality, and I think I share that with Hyunjin, he acts as dumb as me, I'm sorry." She laughed.

I don't know why did tears started to run down my cheeks. I felt like a part of me was leaving, and well, it kind of was. Hana and I are connected, me and Yulhee, Hana and Yulhee, and the ones before, we all are.

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