"Ah...you miss your mom and dad."


"Okay okay! UM-let's see-OH!" Chuuya grabbed the doll Dazai was holding earlier and showed it to Kaori.

"Ooooo look at this Kaori! It's mister bear! Say hi mister-,"


"Ain't gonna work huh.." Chuuya sighed, throwing the bear away. That's when the door opened, and Akutagawa walked inside.

"Oh Chuuya-san. Where's Dazai and (Y/N)?" 

"W-Work." He replied, as Kaori continued to cry.

Akutagawa glanced wide eyed at Kaori, "Woah, what did you do Chuuya-san?"



"Here hand her over." Chuuya passed Kaori gently to Akutagawa who had started rocking her.

"It's alright....stop crying little one. No one's gonna hurt you." Just like that, she had stopped crying. Now she was laughing happily as Akutagawa smiled at her.


"(Y/N) told me that speaking calmly always works."

"Ah..." Chuuya sighed and sat back in his chair. "Dazai and (Y/N) have to deal with this every night and day huh.."

"They must be exhausted." Akutagawa said, as he sat on the couch with Kaori.

"I'm sure they are. The bags under their eyes get darker as the more days go on."

"Here Kaori." Akutagawa handed her the doll Chuuya threw, and she started chewing on its ear.

"Ah that's right, I gotta feed her soon." Chuuya stood up and made his way to the fridge. He then grabbed the milk Dazai was talking about and was getting it ready to heat up.

"Hopefully the milk might put her to sleep." Akutagwa said, as he patted her head gently.

"I hope so too.." Chuuya replied.

"But she is energetic huh? I've never seen a baby like her before, most babies nap all day."

"Same. She doesn't like not moving if anything she gets irritated, according to Dazai. He said she could stay awake and play for five straight hours most times."

"Dang...she's still young too." Akutagawa couldn't even hide the shock in his voice. 

Chuuya finished making the milk and walked back to the living room. He then picked Kaori up and placed the bottle in her mouth.

"D-Damn! Don't drink too fast!" Chuuya said.

"She must've been really hungry."

It only took Kaori ten minutes to completely finish her bottle. Chuuya then placed her on his shoulders to burp her.

"I wonder what I should make for lunch." Akutagawa said, as he stood up and started rummaging through the food in the kitchen.

"Oh! Make curry, that curry you made last week was hella good."

Akutagawa smiled at him, "Alright, I guess I will then." 

It took Kaori at least three minutes until she had finally burped. It shocked Chuuya because of how loud it was. But he continued rocking and carrying her around, hoping that the rocking would make her sleep...

 But of course it did nothing.

"Bawababa!" She smiled, pulling Chuuya's hair.

"Ouch! Damn it! Akutagawa can you sing her to sleep or something!?"

"Huh? But I'm cooking lunch."


Chuuya felt another tug, he flinched and pouted at the now laughing Kaori. 

"Why don't you sing her to sleep Chuuya-san?"

"What!? Hell no!"

"Why? You sing good. Like at that time-,"

"I thought we agreed to never talk about that." Chuuya glared.

"Well, you just do it Chuuya-san. Your voice isn't bad at all." Akutagawa said, as he started chopping the potatoes and carrots. Chuuya thkught back tonthe times when (Y/N) and Dazai would sing to her.

They of course sang good. Chuuya was shocked when he heard Dazai singing so perfectly to her one day, and how instantly he put Kaori to sleep. 

But could he do that? Chuuya sighed and looked at Kaori, she looked up at him as if to say 'I wanna hear you sing'.

Chuuya glances at Akutagawa, "Give me a song...any song."

"Hmmm...twinkle twinkle little star."

"......Fuck." Chuuya stood up and walked towards the rocking chair. He sat down on it and laid Kaori on his chest, wrapping his arms gently around her. Then he reluctantly began to sing.

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star....how I wonder what you are....up above the world so high....like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, Twinkle, little star...how I wonder what you are.."

Kaori continued to smile at him, but her eyes had suddenly felt a little heavy. 

"Oh, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star...how I wonder what you are...up above the world so high...like a diamond...in the sky. Twinkle...Twinkle...little star..how..I wonder...what...you...are..."

It became silent. Akutagawa glanced in the living room and couldn't help but laugh softly to himself. Chuuya and Kaori were both asleep on the chair.

"See." Akutagawa whispered, "I knew you could do it." He smiled.

-(1 Hour Later)-

(Y/N) and Dazai walked up the stairs to their apartment. 

"Are you sure Chuuya was okay handling her?" (Y/N) asked, as Dazai grabbed the keys.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. If he can handle an army of men he can handle one baby." As he opened the door however, he instantly froze. 

"Dazai?" (Y/N) peered over her shoulder and couldn't stop herself from smiling. Chuuya and Kaori were asleep on the couch now, while Akutagawa was sleeping on the other side of the couch.

 They slowly walked inside, (Y/N) noticed a container in the kitchen with a note.

'Me and Chuuya-san had eaten already. Including Kaori. This is for you guys.'

"Jeez, I told you he would be fine." Dazai smiled, as he walked over to (Y/N). 

"Yeah...I guess he was." She giggled.

"We should make dinner tonight. As a thank you of course, nothing more." 

"Mhm, I like the sound of that." (Y/N) replied, as the two of them enjoyed their lunch quietly. Not wanting to wake the adorable sleepy heads up.


(I liked this one personally. A new chap that got added! I hoped you enjoyed it! Thank you and have a good rest of your day/evening!! Bye bye!)

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