20) For Real This Time

Start from the beginning

  I was suddenly tossed onto a huge bed. Once I found my bearings, I turned to look at her with wide eyes.

  She came towards me, and the sight scared the shit out of me. I jumped up without thinking and scrambled to the other side of the bed.

  She went to grab my ankle, and I squeaked and scampered off the bed completely with my hands out in front of me, still favoring my left foot.

  "What the hell are you doing, Sunshine?" Boss surprised me by not coming after me, but just staying on her side of the room with her arms crossed.

  Of course, she is blocking the door, though, and running is useless with my dumb ankle.

  "I'm sorry I made you mad! Please don't hurt me!" I decided to plead instead of answering her question.

  "I'm not gonna hurt you," she rolled her eyes.

  "Ha! Yeah right," I scoffed.

  She raised a warning eyebrow at my tone.

  "Sorry," I backtracked.

  I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say.

  I just wanna get out of this situation. How do I get out of this situation?

  She took another step in my direction, and I bumped into the night stand trying to keep the distance between us.

  I watched her eyes dart between me and the corner I'm now trapped in.

  No no no no no.

  I was prepared when she pounced, so the second she took another step to round the bed, I jumped back onto it and tried to scramble across.

In this moment I realized I'm just making the situation so much worse and probably making a fool of myself, but I can't help it, and there's no going back now.

  She was prepared for me too, though.

  She grabbed me by my good ankle the second I was within reach and yanked me into her, pinning one arm down to the bed before I could even blink.

Now I'm really starting to panic.

I was able to pull my other arm underneath me before she could grab it, and I used the freedom to twist around and hyperventilate — I mean twist around and see what she's doing.

She kept trying to pin me,and I kept fighting her.

At one point, her grip on my pinned arm loosened, so I tried to jerk it out of her hold.

It ended up flying up and hitting her in the cheek.

Oh shit.

My heart froze and so did the rest of me.

Her eyes narrowed as she gritted her teeth. Taking advantage of my paralyzed state, she swiftly spun me onto my stomach, locked both my wrists behind my back with one hand, pinned my chest to the bed with the other on my neck, and sat on my legs.

I'm completely immobile.

Completely at her mercy.

Now my breathing is really out of control.

I continued to struggle blindly, just needing a minute before she starts her torture.

"No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I nearly cried.

"You seriously need to chill, Sunshine," She ordered from above me.

It went in one ear and out the other.

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