First - Part 2

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They would not be staying long and Bane led them to a cantina off one of the mud flats just outside the spaceport perimeter. It was not much for great infrastructure, Zaiya thought to herself, a lot of the exteriors had been left in their rather swampy natural state.

As it turned out, Adaji had something of a point when it came to his comment back on Florrum, the jumpy Toydarian was overly paranoid, and through the whole meeting he was twitching like a livewire. Zaiya was incredibly bored while they waited for Bane to finish talking to him as he had not liked to be surrounded by hunters while talking about shady business. She was glad when the meeting was over, and even more pleased to return to the ship.

On the way, she managed to pick up a few tabloid names as well as news articles to look up on the data pad she had swiped from the ship. She searched for information regarding the client, finding very little, but as she searched, she began to learn a lot more about Toydaria, it's people and customs. This would be an interesting read, and not just for Toydarian information... This would give her information on Coruscant, hopefully there was something she could find about Sidious or... him.

She found herself focused on the information, reading what she could get her hands on, and whatever she found useful. As such, she was paying little attention to what the other three were doing, and just followed them around while engrossed in the information.


She was pulled out of her focus when Adaji snapped his fingers in front of her face. With a blink she looked up, quickly realising they were back on the ship.

"Yes?" She asked, shaking her head inwardly.

"Were you even paying attention ?" The mandalorian asked with a scoff.

"I admit... no. Nothing at all. Last I remember we were in the pub." She confessed, earning bewildered look from him.

"That was hours ago!" he gasped, incredulously.

"I was reading." Zaiya shrugged. "I had a lot of information to get through."

"What were you reading that was so entertaining ?"

"Well, I started on Toydarian culture, then moved on to politics." She settled on the lounge and folded her legs under herself as she laid the data pad down beside her.

"Anything useful? Though, if you weren't paying attention, how did you even know what to look for?"

"The target is Senator Palla'nai, right? The Rodian?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I thought you weren't listening...?" the human asked, raising a dark brow.

"I wasn't , but it's my best guess, considering he has been upsetting the cargo hold as it were. There were a bunch of articles regarding the backlash he got from his ideas about including Toydaria in a tax in the Senate. I am surprised no one wants him dead ." She mused, partly to herself.

"Oh they do ." Bane interjected, "But that just makes a martyr, we have to ruin his image, undermining the effect of whatever he is applying for." The details of why didn't matter to a bounty hunter, but these big jobs earned a lot more credits than collecting said bounties.

"Fun, did he have a specific method? Or do we have to get creative?" She asked, her mind still processing the information she had read. They discussed the plan, and as it turned out, she would have a starring role, considering she could change her appearance and wasn't so short for her age. She was to plant several documents, and a data hub into his quarters where he was staying on the Republic-Controlled planet of Alderaan. There was apparently some conference happening where the Rodian was speaking. While he was there, it was imperative to plant the information and have someone discover it during the conference. A simple stealth drop mission, after that, they had a couple of bounties and Hondo had some pickups to make, the travel mostly for convenience.

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