Instructor - Part 2

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It seemed that the troopers could not help but chatter at the dinner, as the following morning, the viewing platform surrounding the training arena was full, and far more than just the ARC troopers were gathered to watch. Well, she supposed they might be interested for a while, though she was sure they would get bored after a while. It's not like it was anything they hadn't seen before. For her own run, she used one of her own pistols, she knew it as well as the Troopers knew theirs, Bane had drilled it into her head, that she had to know how to put the pistol together and take it apart blindfolded, that she had to know each part and the weight of it instinctively, that there would be so surprises. Zaiya had held to that, practising when they had time between jobs. She was confident that she would be able to do the initial part quickly at least. As for the rest, she would have to rely on what she knew of the course itself and rely on her instincts. Alpha stood at the top of the ramp, ready to give her the signals when she reached that point. She had also invited Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair and Tech to join her. They knew the track well and Crosshair was in charge of counting her mistakes, Tech had an important job too, he had control of the room, she had instructed him to randomise the course with each run so as not to give her the chance to get used to it. He also could up the difficulty level if need be.

Zaiya stood waiting at the beginning of the course, hands behind her back and feet shoulder width apart, she had stretched and warmed up already, she'd chosen to wear her usual black attire, though her jacket and red sash were removed and Wrecker had so kindly offered to hold onto it, playing with the soft red fabric between his fingers, he seemed to like how it felt and had fixated on it. Instead of the jacket she had on a long sleeve top, rather comfortable with a high collar, it covered her tattoos and her small burn scar on her neck. She didn't need more questions, she already had enough to answer for.

[Ready?] Tech's voice spoke through the communicator in her ear.

"Ready," she replied curtly. A moment later the sound of the alert went off and her gloved hands were a blur as she set to taking the pistol apart and setting it on the platform before her in a set out manner, it was as neat as she could make it with this speed, and the moment the last piece left her hand she took off toward the climbing bars. She was not as strong in her arms as the men were, she was stronger in her legs and abdomen, so instead of climbing beneath, she swung, using her hips to push her momentum higher and she swung up, suddenly able to run across the bars and make her way to the platforms.

[What are the best defensive positions in Clone barracks 49?] Tech asked simply.

"Behind the south entrance, in the third bay and in the fourth sleeping pod down in bay six," she replied after a moment. The bars cleared, and she watched the platforms for a moment, assessing the pattern before leaping to the first one, then the second, higher and higher in graceful bounds until she reached the shooting gallery.

"Under fire," she called into the comm. She peered up at Alpha and remained still until he told her to move. She skidded to a halt at the second shelter when the next question came. She assumed it was one Cross suggested as it was about elevation on a target. She was not an expert marksman but she answered to her experience, not taking her eyes off Alpha's large hand. The next two barriers were fine, then another question from Tech asking about weak points for battle droids. It was new information, they had not even known who their enemy would be until the war began proper on Geonosis. She'd scanned through the technical readouts of the droids as known by the republic, and was able to answer.

"They have a weak neck, and limited armour on the chassis, best point of neutralisation is their heads," she answered, the last signal given and she cleared the gallery. The next part had her down the ramp against the droids. Her mila hanska awaited her at her hip and she drew them swiftly, countering each strike with precision. After all, these moves were based on those she trained with for years, this was one of the easy tasks.

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